Research article

Optimal release programs for dengue prevention using Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transinfected with wMel or wMelPop Wolbachia strains

  • Received: 26 January 2021 Accepted: 09 March 2021 Published: 29 March 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a dengue transmission model of SIR(S)-SI type that accounts for two sex-structured mosquito populations: the wild mosquitoes (males and females that are Wolbachia-free), and those deliberately infected with either wMel or wMelPop strain of Wolbachia. This epidemiological model has four possible outcomes: with or without Wolbachia and with or without dengue. To reach the desired outcome, with Wolbachia and without dengue, we employ the dynamic optimization approach and then design optimal programs for releasing Wolbachia-carrying male and female mosquitoes. Our discussion is focused on advantages and drawbacks of two Wolbachia strains, wMelPop and wMel, that are recommended for dengue prevention and control. On the one hand, the wMel strain guarantees a faster population replacement, ensures durable Wolbachia persistence in the wild mosquito population, and requiters fewer releases. On the other hand, the wMelPop strain displays better results for averting dengue infections in the human population.

    Citation: Daiver Cardona-Salgado, Doris Elena Campo-Duarte, Lilian Sofia Sepulveda-Salcedo, Olga Vasilieva, Mikhail Svinin. Optimal release programs for dengue prevention using Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transinfected with wMel or wMelPop Wolbachia strains[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(3): 2952-2990. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021149

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  • In this paper, we propose a dengue transmission model of SIR(S)-SI type that accounts for two sex-structured mosquito populations: the wild mosquitoes (males and females that are Wolbachia-free), and those deliberately infected with either wMel or wMelPop strain of Wolbachia. This epidemiological model has four possible outcomes: with or without Wolbachia and with or without dengue. To reach the desired outcome, with Wolbachia and without dengue, we employ the dynamic optimization approach and then design optimal programs for releasing Wolbachia-carrying male and female mosquitoes. Our discussion is focused on advantages and drawbacks of two Wolbachia strains, wMelPop and wMel, that are recommended for dengue prevention and control. On the one hand, the wMel strain guarantees a faster population replacement, ensures durable Wolbachia persistence in the wild mosquito population, and requiters fewer releases. On the other hand, the wMelPop strain displays better results for averting dengue infections in the human population.


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