Research article Special Issues

Uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis: results from the Ocular Mathematical Virtual Simulator

  • Received: 30 November 2020 Accepted: 17 February 2021 Published: 02 March 2021
  • We propose an uncertainty propagation study and a sensitivity analysis with the Ocular Mathematical Virtual Simulator, a computational and mathematical model that predicts the hemodynamics and biomechanics within the human eye. In this contribution, we focus on the effect of intraocular pressure, retrolaminar tissue pressure and systemic blood pressure on the ocular posterior tissue vasculature. The combination of a physically-based model with experiments-based stochastic input allows us to gain a better understanding of the physiological system, accounting both for the driving mechanisms and the data variability.

    Citation: Christophe Prud'homme, Lorenzo Sala, Marcela Szopos. Uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis: results from the Ocular Mathematical Virtual Simulator[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(3): 2010-2032. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021105

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  • We propose an uncertainty propagation study and a sensitivity analysis with the Ocular Mathematical Virtual Simulator, a computational and mathematical model that predicts the hemodynamics and biomechanics within the human eye. In this contribution, we focus on the effect of intraocular pressure, retrolaminar tissue pressure and systemic blood pressure on the ocular posterior tissue vasculature. The combination of a physically-based model with experiments-based stochastic input allows us to gain a better understanding of the physiological system, accounting both for the driving mechanisms and the data variability.


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