Research article

Batch generated strongly nonlinear S-Boxes using enhanced quadratic maps

  • Received: 11 December 2024 Revised: 24 January 2025 Accepted: 20 February 2025 Published: 14 March 2025
  • MSC : 94A60, 68P25

  • One of the most crucial elements in the design of a block cipher is the substitution box or S-box. Its cipher strength directly impacts the cipher algorithm's security, and the block cipher algorithm requires a good S-box. According to the cryptanalysis result of the S-box construction in AES: (1) the number of irreducible polynomials can be increased to 30; (2) the affinity transformation constant c can be chosen from all elements if the existence of fixed points and reverse fixed points in an S-box is ignored; and (3) the S-box in AES is fixed, which poses possible security risks to the AES algorithm. The study above led us to build a non-degenerate 2D enhanced quadratic map (2D-EQM) with unpredictability and ergodicity. From there, we generated affine transformation constants and affine transformation matrices, which were then applied to seed S-boxes to create a batch of strongly nonlinear S-boxes. Finally, we assessed the performance of suggested S-boxes using six criteria. Security and statistical research showed that the suggested S-box batch generation procedure was practical and effective.

    Citation: Mohammad Mazyad Hazzazi, Farooq E Azam, Rashad Ali, Muhammad Kamran Jamil, Sameer Abdullah Nooh, Fahad Alblehai. Batch generated strongly nonlinear S-Boxes using enhanced quadratic maps[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 5671-5695. doi: 10.3934/math.2025262

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  • One of the most crucial elements in the design of a block cipher is the substitution box or S-box. Its cipher strength directly impacts the cipher algorithm's security, and the block cipher algorithm requires a good S-box. According to the cryptanalysis result of the S-box construction in AES: (1) the number of irreducible polynomials can be increased to 30; (2) the affinity transformation constant c can be chosen from all elements if the existence of fixed points and reverse fixed points in an S-box is ignored; and (3) the S-box in AES is fixed, which poses possible security risks to the AES algorithm. The study above led us to build a non-degenerate 2D enhanced quadratic map (2D-EQM) with unpredictability and ergodicity. From there, we generated affine transformation constants and affine transformation matrices, which were then applied to seed S-boxes to create a batch of strongly nonlinear S-boxes. Finally, we assessed the performance of suggested S-boxes using six criteria. Security and statistical research showed that the suggested S-box batch generation procedure was practical and effective.


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