Research article Special Issues

On relationships between vector variational inequalities and optimization problems using convexificators on the Hadamard manifold

  • Received: 10 September 2024 Revised: 26 February 2025 Accepted: 04 March 2025 Published: 13 March 2025
  • MSC : 47J20, 49J52, 53C22, 58E17

  • This study extended a fundamental idea about convexificators to the Hadamard manifolds. The mean value theorem for convexificators on the Hadamard manifold was also derived. An important characterization for the bounded convexificators to have $ \partial_{*}^{*} $-geodesic convexity was derived and the monotonicity of the bounded convexificators was explored. Additionally, a convexificator-based vector variational inequality problem on the Hadamard manifold was examined. Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient conditions for vector optimization problems in terms of the Stampacchia and Minty-type partial vector variational inequality problems ($ \partial_{*}^{*} $-VVIPs) were derived.

    Citation: Nagendra Singh, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Akhlad Iqbal, Shahid Ali. On relationships between vector variational inequalities and optimization problems using convexificators on the Hadamard manifold[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 5612-5630. doi: 10.3934/math.2025259

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  • This study extended a fundamental idea about convexificators to the Hadamard manifolds. The mean value theorem for convexificators on the Hadamard manifold was also derived. An important characterization for the bounded convexificators to have $ \partial_{*}^{*} $-geodesic convexity was derived and the monotonicity of the bounded convexificators was explored. Additionally, a convexificator-based vector variational inequality problem on the Hadamard manifold was examined. Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient conditions for vector optimization problems in terms of the Stampacchia and Minty-type partial vector variational inequality problems ($ \partial_{*}^{*} $-VVIPs) were derived.


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