Research article Special Issues

Global stability and sensitivity analysis of vector-host dengue mathematical model

  • Received: 02 August 2024 Revised: 30 October 2024 Accepted: 11 November 2024 Published: 19 November 2024
  • MSC : 34D08, 34D20, 34D23, 92D30, 93D05, 97M10, 97M60

  • Dengue impacts 129 nations, threatens over 50% of the global population, and results in around 400 million illnesses annually. The purpose of this paper was to build the global stability and sensitivity analysis of a vector-host dengue mathematical model with compartments of symptomatic and hospitalized infected humans. Additionally, it aimed to assess the impact of the immunological response of vulnerable individuals, through the ingestion of natural foods, on the transmission of the disease. The solution's positivity and boundedness proved the model's mathematical well-posedness. To examine endemicity, the reproduction number was calculated using the next-generation technique. The Lyapunov function approach was employed to illustrate the model's global stability. Our mathematical discoveries were illustrated through numerical simulations of the dengue epidemic. The dynamical system sensitivity analysis suggests that the best way to control illness is to increase the immune system rate of susceptible hosts by consuming natural foods.

    Citation: Turki D. Alharbi, Md Rifat Hasan. Global stability and sensitivity analysis of vector-host dengue mathematical model[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(11): 32797-32818. doi: 10.3934/math.20241569

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  • Dengue impacts 129 nations, threatens over 50% of the global population, and results in around 400 million illnesses annually. The purpose of this paper was to build the global stability and sensitivity analysis of a vector-host dengue mathematical model with compartments of symptomatic and hospitalized infected humans. Additionally, it aimed to assess the impact of the immunological response of vulnerable individuals, through the ingestion of natural foods, on the transmission of the disease. The solution's positivity and boundedness proved the model's mathematical well-posedness. To examine endemicity, the reproduction number was calculated using the next-generation technique. The Lyapunov function approach was employed to illustrate the model's global stability. Our mathematical discoveries were illustrated through numerical simulations of the dengue epidemic. The dynamical system sensitivity analysis suggests that the best way to control illness is to increase the immune system rate of susceptible hosts by consuming natural foods.


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