Research article

Value functions in a regime switching jump diffusion with delay market model

  • Received: 21 June 2021 Accepted: 27 July 2021 Published: 10 August 2021
  • MSC : 93E20, 91G10, 49L20

  • In this paper, we consider a market model where the risky asset is a jump diffusion whose drift, volatility and jump coefficients are influenced by market regimes and history of the asset itself. Since the trajectory of the risky asset is discontinuous, we modify the delay variable so that it remains defined in this discontinuous setting. Instead of the actual path history of the risky asset, we consider the continuous approximation of its trajectory. With this modification, the delay variable, which is a sliding average of past values of the risky asset, no longer breaks down. We then use the resulting stochastic process in formulating the state variable of a portfolio optimization problem. In this formulation, we obtain the dynamic programming principle and Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. We also provide a verification theorem to guarantee the optimal solution of the corresponding stochastic optimization problem. We solve the resulting finite time horizon control problem and show that close form solutions of the stochastic optimization problem exist for the cases of power and logarithmic utility functions. In particular, we show that the HJB equation for the power utility function is a first order linear partial differential equation while that of the logarithmic utility function is a linear ordinary differential equation.

    Citation: Dennis Llemit, Jose Maria Escaner IV. Value functions in a regime switching jump diffusion with delay market model[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(10): 11595-11609. doi: 10.3934/math.2021673

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  • In this paper, we consider a market model where the risky asset is a jump diffusion whose drift, volatility and jump coefficients are influenced by market regimes and history of the asset itself. Since the trajectory of the risky asset is discontinuous, we modify the delay variable so that it remains defined in this discontinuous setting. Instead of the actual path history of the risky asset, we consider the continuous approximation of its trajectory. With this modification, the delay variable, which is a sliding average of past values of the risky asset, no longer breaks down. We then use the resulting stochastic process in formulating the state variable of a portfolio optimization problem. In this formulation, we obtain the dynamic programming principle and Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. We also provide a verification theorem to guarantee the optimal solution of the corresponding stochastic optimization problem. We solve the resulting finite time horizon control problem and show that close form solutions of the stochastic optimization problem exist for the cases of power and logarithmic utility functions. In particular, we show that the HJB equation for the power utility function is a first order linear partial differential equation while that of the logarithmic utility function is a linear ordinary differential equation.


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