Research article

Fuzzy subnear-semirings and fuzzy soft subnear-semirings

  • Received: 09 October 2020 Accepted: 07 December 2020 Published: 14 December 2020
  • MSC : 16Y30, 16Y99, 03G25

  • Our purpose in this paper is to initiate and study the notions of fuzzy subnear-semirings and fuzzy soft subnear-semirings. We study few of their elementary properties by providing suitable examples. Moreover, we present the characterizations of zero symmetric near-semirings (seminearrings) through their fuzzy ideals and fuzzy soft ideals. Fuzzy soft anti-homomorphism of fuzzy soft near-semirings and fuzzy soft R-homomorphisms of fuzzy soft R-subsemigroups are also introduced and discussed.

    Citation: Abdelghani Taouti, Waheed Ahmad Khan. Fuzzy subnear-semirings and fuzzy soft subnear-semirings[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(3): 2268-2286. doi: 10.3934/math.2021137

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  • Our purpose in this paper is to initiate and study the notions of fuzzy subnear-semirings and fuzzy soft subnear-semirings. We study few of their elementary properties by providing suitable examples. Moreover, we present the characterizations of zero symmetric near-semirings (seminearrings) through their fuzzy ideals and fuzzy soft ideals. Fuzzy soft anti-homomorphism of fuzzy soft near-semirings and fuzzy soft R-homomorphisms of fuzzy soft R-subsemigroups are also introduced and discussed.


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