Citation: Muhammad Ghaffar Khan, Bakhtiar Ahmad, Thabet Abdeljawad. Applications of a differential operator to a class of harmonic mappings defined by Mittag-leffer functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(6): 6782-6799. doi: 10.3934/math.2020436
[1] | Murugusundaramoorthy Gangadharan, Vijaya Kaliyappan, Hijaz Ahmad, K. H. Mahmoud, E. M. Khalil . Mapping properties of Janowski-type harmonic functions involving Mittag-Leffler function. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(12): 13235-13246. doi: 10.3934/math.2021765 |
[2] | Hadjer Belbali, Maamar Benbachir, Sina Etemad, Choonkil Park, Shahram Rezapour . Existence theory and generalized Mittag-Leffler stability for a nonlinear Caputo-Hadamard FIVP via the Lyapunov method. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(8): 14419-14433. doi: 10.3934/math.2022794 |
[3] | Bo Wang, Rekha Srivastava, Jin-Lin Liu . Certain properties of multivalent analytic functions defined by $ q $-difference operator involving the Janowski function. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(8): 8497-8508. doi: 10.3934/math.2021493 |
[4] | Syed Ghoos Ali Shah, Shahbaz Khan, Saqib Hussain, Maslina Darus . $ q $-Noor integral operator associated with starlike functions and $ q $-conic domains. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(6): 10842-10859. doi: 10.3934/math.2022606 |
[5] | Chuang Wang, Junzhe Mo, Zhihong Liu . On univalent spirallike log-harmonic mappings. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(11): 30515-30528. doi: 10.3934/math.20241473 |
[6] | Kholood M. Alsager, Sheza M. El-Deeb, Ala Amourah, Jongsuk Ro . Some results for the family of holomorphic functions associated with the Babalola operator and combination binomial series. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(10): 29370-29385. doi: 10.3934/math.20241423 |
[7] | Bushra Kanwal, Saqib Hussain, Thabet Abdeljawad . On certain inclusion relations of functions with bounded rotations associated with Mittag-Leffler functions. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 7866-7887. doi: 10.3934/math.2022440 |
[8] | Sarem H. Hadi, Maslina Darus, Choonkil Park, Jung Rye Lee . Some geometric properties of multivalent functions associated with a new generalized $ q $-Mittag-Leffler function. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(7): 11772-11783. doi: 10.3934/math.2022656 |
[9] | Jamal Salah, Hameed Ur Rehman, Iman Al Buwaiqi, Ahmad Al Azab, Maryam Al Hashmi . Subclasses of spiral-like functions associated with the modified Caputo's derivative operator. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(8): 18474-18490. doi: 10.3934/math.2023939 |
[10] | Muhammad Amer Latif . Fejér type inequalities for harmonically convex functions. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(8): 15234-15257. doi: 10.3934/math.2022835 |
The study of analytic functions has been the core interest of various prominent researchers in the last decade. Much emphasis has been on the aspect of introduction of various concepts in this field. Uralegaddi [1], in 1994, introduced the subclasses of starlike, convex and close-to-convex functions with positive coefficients and opened a new side of Geometric Function Theory. Motivated by his work Dixit and Chandra [2] introduced new subclass of analytic functions with positive coefficients. Continuing the trend Dixit et al. [3], Porwal and Dixit [4] and Porwal et al. [5] made a substantial amount of important theory which illuminated various new directions of this field. One such area is Harmonic Analysis which has vastly influenced and nurtured the branch of Geometric Function Theory. Dixit and Porwal [6] defined and investigated the class of harmonic univalent functions with positive coefficients. With the introduction of this work many mathematicians generalized various important results with the help of some operators, the work of Pathak et al. [7], Porwal and Aouf [8] and Porwal et al. [9] are worth mentioning here. More recently new subclasses of harmonic starlike and convex functions are introduced and studied by Porwal and Dixit [10], see also [5].
Recently attention has been drawn to Mittag-Leffer functions as these functions can be widely applied across the fields of engineering, chemical, biological, physical sciences as will as in various other applied sciences. Various factors in applying such functions are evident within chaotic, stochastic, dynamic systems, fractional differential equations and distribution of statistics. The geometric characteristics such as convexity, close-to-convexity and starlikeness of the functions investigated here has been broadly examined by many authors. Direct applications of these functions can be seen in a number of fractional calculus tools which includes significant work by [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20].
Before we go into details about our new work we give some basics which will be helpful in understanding the concepts of this research.
A real-valued function u(x,y) is said to be harmonic in a domain D⊂C if it has continuous second partial derivative and satisfy the Laplace's equation
∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2=0, |
and complex-valued function f=u+iv is said to be harmonic in a domain D if and only if u and v are both real harmonic functions in domain D. Every complex-valued harmonic function f which is harmonic in D, containing the origin, can be represented in the canonical form as
f=h(z)+¯g(z), | (1.1) |
where h and g are analytic functions in D with g(0)=0.Then functions h and g are known as analytic and co-analytic parts of f respectively. The Jacobian of f=u+iv is given by
Jf(z)=|uxvxuyvy|=uxvy−vxuy , |
which can be represented in terms of derivatives with respect to z and ¯z as
Jf(z)=|fz|2−|f¯z|2=|h′(z)|2−|g′(z)|2 (z∈D). |
It can be noted that if f is analytic in D, then f¯z=0 and fz(z)=f′(z). A well- known result for analytic functions state that an analytic function f is locally univalent at a point z0 if and only if Jf(z)≠0 in D (see for example [21]). In [22], Lewy proved the converse of this theorem which is also true for harmonic mappings. Therefore, f is sense-preserving and locally univalent if and only if
|h′(z)|>|g′(z)| (z∈D). | (1.2) |
Let H denote the class of functions f which are harmonic in the unit disc A:=A(1), where A(r):={z∈C:|z|<r}. Also, let H0 denote the class of functions f∈H which satisfy the normalization conditions
f(0)=f′¯z(0)=f′(0)−1=0. |
Therefore the analytic functions h and g given by (1.1) can be written in the form
h(z)=z+∞∑n=2anzn, g(z)=∞∑n=2bnzn (z∈A), |
f(z)=z+∞∑n=2(anzn+¯bnzn) (z∈A). | (1.3) |
SH:={f∈H0:f is univalent and sense-preserving in A}. |
It is clear that SH reduces to the class S, and by A whenever the co-analytic part of f vanishes, i.e., g(z)=0 in A. Clunie and Sheil-Small [23] and Sheil-Small [24] studied SH together with some of its geometric subclasses. We say that a function f∈H0 is said to be harmonic starlike in A if it satisfy
ReDHf(z)f(z)>0, |
DHf(z):=h′(z)−¯g′(z) (z∈A). |
A function f(z) is subordinated to a function g(z) denoted by f(z)≺g(z), if there is complex-valued function w(z) with |w(z)|≤1 and g(0)=0 such that
f(z)=g(w(z)) (z∈A). |
Also, if g(z) is univalent in A, we have equivalence condition
f(z)≺g(z), z∈A ⇔ f(0)=g(0) and f(A)⊂g(A). |
Convolution or Hadamard product of two function f1 and f2 is denoted by f1 ∗ f2 and is defined by
(f1∗f2)(z)=z+∞∑n=2(a1a2zn+¯b1b2zn) (z∈A). | (1.4) |
In 1973, Janowski [25] introduced the idea of circular domain by introducing Janowski functions as;
A function k(z), analytic in A with k(0)=1, is said to be in class T[A,B] if for −1≤B<A≤1
k(z)≺1+Az1+Bz. |
Janowski showed that the function k maps A onto the domain Δ(A,B) with centre on real axis and D1=1−A1−B and D2=1+A1+B are diameter end points with 0<D1<1<D2.
The Mittag-Leffer function is defined as
Eα(z)=∞∑n=0znΓ(αn+1). | (1.5) |
The initial two parametric generalizations for the function shown in (1.5) were given by Wiman [26,27]. It is defined in the following way
Eα,β(z)=∞∑n=0znΓ(αn+β), |
where α,β∈C, Re(α)>0, Re(β)>0 and Γ(z) is gamma function.
Now the function Qα,β is defined by
Qα,β(z)=zΓ(β)Eα,β(z)=z+∞∑n=2Γ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)zn. |
Using the function Qα,β Elhaddad et al. [28] defined the differential operator for the class of analytic functions as Dmδ(α,β):A→A as illustrated below :
Dmδ(α,β)f(z)=f(z)∗Qα,β(z), |
Dmδ(α,β)f(z)=z+∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)anzn, | (1.6) |
where m=N0={0,1,2,...}, δ>0.
Where the operator Dmδ(α,β) for a function f∈H given by (1.1) can be defined as below:
Dmδ(α,β)f(z)=Dmδ(α,β)h(z)+¯Dmδ(α,β)g(z) (z∈A), |
Dmδ(α,β)h(z)=z+∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)anzn,Dmδ(α,β)g(z)=z+∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)bnzn, |
for m∈N0.
Motivated by [29,30] and using the operator Dmδ(α,β)f(z), we introduced the class of harmonic univalent functions as:
Definition Let −B≤A<B≤1, 0≤a<1 and Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) denote the class of functions f∈SH such that
DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))Dmδ(α,β)f(z)≺1+Az1+Bz, | (1.7) |
DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z)):=DH(Dmδ(α,β)h(z))−¯DH(Dmδ(α,β)g(z)). |
Note that,
1. S0,1H(0,δ,A,B)=S∗H(A,B), which was studied by Deziok [29].
2. S0,1H(0,δ,2a−1,1)=S∗H(a), defined by Jahangiri in [31]
3. S0,1H(1,1,2a−1,1)=ScH(a), introduced by Jahangiri, see [32] for details.
Let V⊂H0, A0=A╲{0}. Using Ruscheweyh's approach in [33] we define the dual set of V by
V∗:={f∈H0:Λg∈V(f∗g)≠0 (z∈A0)} |
In this section we prove some important results beginning with necessary and sufficient condition. Then some inequality regarding the coefficients of the functions in their series form are evaluated along with examples for justifications.
Let f∈H0 and is given by (1.3) is in the class Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) if and only if
Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B)={Dmδ(α,β)φξ(z); |ξ|=1}∗ , |
φξ(z)=z1+Bξ−(1+Aξ)(1−z)(1−z)2−¯z1+Bξ−(1+Aξ)(1−¯z)(1−¯z)2 (z∈D). |
Proof. Let f∈H0, then f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) if and only if the following holds
DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))Dmδ(α,β)f(z)≠1+Aξ1+Bξ (ξ∈C, |ξ|=1). |
Now as
DH(Dmδ(α,β)h(z))=Dmδ(α,β)h(z)∗z(1−z)2 |
Dmδ(α,β)h(z)=Dmδ(α,β)h(z)∗z1−z, |
(1+Bξ)DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−(1+Aξ)Dmδ(α,β)f(z)=(1+Bξ)DH(Dmδ(α,β)h(z))−(1+Aξ)Dmδ(α,β)h(z)−[(1+Bξ)DH(¯Dmδ(α,β)g(z))+(1+Aξ)¯Dmδ(α,β)g(z)]=Dmδ(α,β)h(z)∗((1+Bξ)z(1−z)2−(1+Aξ)z1−z)−¯Dmδ(α,β)g(z)∗((1+Bξ)¯z(1−¯z)2+(1+Aξ)¯z1−¯z)=f(z)∗Dmδ(α,β)φξ(z)≠0 (z∈A0, |ξ|=1). |
Thus f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) if and only if f(z)∗Dmδ(α,β)φξ(z)≠0 for z∈A0, |ξ|=1 i.e. Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B)={Dmδ(α,β)φξ(z); |ξ|=1}∗.
A sufficient coefficient bound for the class Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) is provided in the following.
Let f∈H0 be of the form (1.3) and satisfies the condition
∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)≤B−A, | (2.1) |
λn=|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|[(1+B)n−(1+A)], | (2.2) |
σn=|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|[(1+B)n+(1+A)], | (2.3) |
then f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B).
Proof. Obviously the theorem is true for f(z)=z. Suppose f∈H0 given by (1.3) and let there exist n≥2 such that an≠0 or bn≠0. Since
λnB−A≥n, σnB−A≥n, n=2,3,..., |
by (2.1) we have
∞∑n=2(n |an|+n |bn|)≤1 | (2.4) |
|h′(z)|−|g′(z)|≥1−∞∑n=2n |an||z|n−∞∑n=2n |bn||z|n≥1−|z|∞∑n=2(n |an|+n |bn|)≥1−|z|B−A∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|an|)≥1−|z|>0 (z∈A). |
Therefore|h′(z)|>|g′(z)| which shows that f is locally univalent and sense-preserving in A. Moreover ifz1,z2∈A and z1≠z2 then
|zn1−zn2z1−z2|=|n∑k=1zk−11zn−k2|≤n∑k=1|zk−11||zn−k2|<n (n=2,3,..). |
Hence by (2.4) we have
| f(z1)−f(z2)|≥|h(z1)−h(z2)|−|g(z1)−g(z2)|≥|z1−z2−∞∑n=2an(zn1−zn2)|−|∞∑n=2¯bn(zn1−zn2)|≥|z1−z2|−∞∑n=2|an||zn1−zn2|−∞∑n=2|bn||zn1−zn2|=|z1−z2|(1−∞∑n=2|an||zn1−zn2z1−z2|−∞∑n=2|bn||zn1−zn2z1−z2|)>|z1−z2|(1−∞∑n=2n |an|−∞∑n=2n |bn|)≥0. |
This shows that f is univalent, i.e. f∈SH. Therefore f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) if and only if there exists a complex-valued function ω, ω(0)=0, |ω(z)|<1 (z∈A), such that
DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))Dmδ(α,β)f(z)=1+Aω(z)1+Bω(z) (z∈A), |
or equivalently
|DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−Dmδ(α,β)f(z)BDH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−ADmδ(α,β)f(z)|<1 (z∈A). | (2.5) |
Thus, it is sufficient to prove that
|DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−Dmδ(α,β)f(z)|−|BDH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−ADmδ(α,β)f(z)|<0, |
where z∈A∖{0}, now by putting |z|=r, r∈(0,1) we get
|DH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−Dmδ(α,β)f(z)|−|BDH(Dmδ(α,β)f(z))−ADmδ(α,β)f(z)|=|∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(n−1)anzn−∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(n+1)¯bnzn|−|(B−A)z+∞∑n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(Bn−A)anzn−[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(Bn+A)¯bnzn|,≤∞∑n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|(n−1)|an|rn+∞∑n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|(n+1)|bn|rn−(B−A)r+∞∑n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|(Bn−A)|an|rn +∞∑n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|(Bn+A)|bn|rn≤r{∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)rn−(B−A)}<0, |
hence f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B).
For function
f(z)=z+∞∑n=2pnB−Aλnzn+∞∑n=2qnB−Aσn¯zn (z∈A), |
such that ∑∞n=2(|pn|+|qn|)=1, we have
∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)=∞∑n=2(|pn|(B−A)+|qn|(B−A))=(B−A)∞∑n=2(|pn|+|qn|)=(B−A). |
Thus f∈Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B) and above inequality (2.1) is sharp for this function.
Motivated from Silverman [34], we introduce the class τ for functions f∈H0 of the form (1.3) such that an=−|an|, bn=|bn| (n=2,3,...), i.e.
f(z)=h(z)+¯g(z), h(z)=z−∞∑n=2|an|zn, g(z)=∞∑n=2|bn|¯zn (z∈A). | (2.6) |
Further, let us define
Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B)=τ∩Sα,βH(m,δ,A,B). |
Where α=0, β=1 and m=0 the class is studied by Dziok see [29].
Let f∈τ and of the form (2.6). Then f ∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) if and only if condition (2.1) holds true.
Proof. In Theorem 2.2 we need only to show that each function f ∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) satisfies coefficient inequality (2.1). If f ∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) then it is of the form (2.6) and satisfies (2.5) or equivalently
|−∑∞n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(n−1)anzn−∑∞n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(n+1)¯bnzn(B−A)z−∑∞n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(Bn−A)anzn−∑∞n=2[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)(Bn+A)¯bnzn|<1 , |
where z∈A, therefore by putting z=r , r∈[0,1), we get
∑∞n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|[(n−1)|an|+(n+1)|bn|]rn−1(B−A)+∑∞n=2|[1+(n−1)δ]mΓ(β)Γ(α(n−1)+β)|{(Bn−A)|an|+(Bn+A)|bn|}<1. | (2.7) |
It is clear that the denominator of the left hand side cannot vanishes for r∈(0,1). Moreover, it is positive for r=0, and in consequence for r∈(0,1). Thus, by (2.7) we have
∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)rn−1≤B−A r∈[0,1). | (2.8) |
The sequence of partial sums {Sn} associated with the series ∑∞n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|) is a non-decreasing sequence. Moreover, by (2.8) it is bounded by B−A. Hence, the sequence {Sn} is convergent and
∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)rn−1=limn→∞Sn≤B−A, |
which yields assertion (2.1).
For function
f(z)=z−∞∑n=2cnB−Aλnzn+∞∑n=2dnB−Aσn¯zn (z∈A), |
such that ∑∞n=2(|cn|+|dn|)=1, we have
∞∑n=2(λn|an|+σn|bn|)=∞∑n=2(|cn|(B−A)+|dn|(B−A))=(B−A)∞∑n=2(|cn|+|dn|)=(B−A). |
Thus f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B).
we consider the usual topology on H in which a sequence {fn} in H converges to f if and only if it converges to f uniformly on each compact subset of A. The metric induces the usual topology on H. It is to verify that the obtained topological space is complete.
Let F be a subclass of the class H. A function f∈F is called an extreme point of F if the condition
f=γf1+(1−γ)f2 (f1,f2∈F, 0<γ<1) |
implies f1=f2=f. We shall use the notation EF to denote the set of all extreme points of F. It is clear that EF⊂F.
We say that F is locally uniformly bounded if for each r, 0<r<1, there is a real constant M=M(r) so that
|f(z)|≤M (f∈F, |z|≤r). |
We say that a class F is convex if
γf+(1−γ)g∈F (f,g∈F, 0≤γ≤1). |
Moreover, we define the closed convex hull of F as the intersection of all closed convex subsets of H that contain F. We denote the closed convex hull of F by ¯coF.
A real-valued function J:H→R is called convex on a convex class F⊂H if
J(γf+(1−γ)g)≤γJ(f)+(1−γ)J(g) (f,g∈F, 0≤γ≤1). |
The Krein-Milman theorem (see [35]) is fundamental in the theory of extreme points. In particular, it implies the following lemma.
Let F be a non-empty convex compact subclass of the class H and let J:H→R be a real-valued, continuous and convex function on F. Then
max{J(f):f∈F}=max{J(f):f∈EF}. |
A class F⊂H is compact if and only if F is closed and locally uniformly bounded.
Since H is complete metric space, Montel's theorem (see [36]) implies the following lemma.
Let F be a non-empty compact subclass of the class H, then EF is non-empty and ¯coEF=¯coF.
The class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) is a convex and compact subset of H.
Proof. Let fl∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) be a functions of the form
fl(z)=z−∞∑n=2(|al,n|zn−|bl,n|¯zn) (z∈A, l∈N={1,2,3,...}), | (3.1) |
and 0≤γ≤1. Since
γf1(z)+(1−γ)f2(z)= |
z−∞∑n=2{(γ|a1,n|+(1−γ)|a2,n|)zn+(γ|b1,n|+(1−γ)|b2,n|)}¯zn |
and by Theorem 2.4, we have
∞∑n=2{αn(γ|a1,n|+(1−γ)|a2,n|)zn+βn(γ|b1,n|+(1−γ)|b2,n|)}=γ∞∑n=2{αn|a1,n|+βn|b1,n|}+(1−γ)∞∑n=2{αn|a2,n|+βn|b2,n|}≤γ(B−A)+(1−γ)(B−A)=B−A, |
the function Ψ=γf1+(1−γ)f2∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). Hence, the class is convex. Furthermore, for f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), |z|≤r r∈(0,1), we have
|f(z)|≤r+∞∑n=2(|an|+|bn|)rn≤r+∞∑n=2(αn|an|+βn|bn|)≤r+(B−A). | (3.2) |
Thus, we conclude that the class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) is locally uniformly bounded. By Lemma 3.2, we need only to show that it is closed, i.e. if fl→f, then f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). Let fl and f be given by (3.1) and (2.6), respectively. Using Theorem 2.4, we have
∞∑n=2(αn|ai,n|+βn|bi,n|)≤B−A (i∈N). | (3.3) |
Since fi→f, we conclude that |ai,n|→|an| and |bi,n|→|bn| as i→∞ (n∈N). The sequence of partial sums {Sn} associated with the series ∑∞n=2(αn|ai,n|+βn|bi,n|) is non-decreasing sequence. Moreover, by (3.3) it is bounded by B−A. Therefore, the sequence {Sn} is convergent and
∞∑n=2(αn|ai,n|+βn|bi,n|)=limn→∞{Sn}≤B−A. |
This gives condition (2.1) and in consequence, f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), which complete the proof.
We have
ESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B)={h∗n:n∈N}∪{g∗n:n∈{2,3,...}}, |
h∗1(z)=z, h∗n(z)=z −B−Aλnzn, g∗n(z)=z +B−Aσn¯zn (n=2,3,..., z∈A) | (3.4) |
Proof. Suppose that 0<γ<1 and
g∗n(z)=γf1+(1−γ)f2, |
where f1, f2∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) are functions of the form (3.1). Then, by (2.1) we have
|b1,n|=|b2,n|=B−Aσn, |
and, in consequence, a1,i=a2,i=0 for i∈{2,3,...} and b1,i=b2,i=0 for i∈{2,3,...}∖{n}. It follows that g∗n=f1=f2, and consequently g∗n∈ESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). Similarly, we verify that the functions h∗n of the form (3.4) are extreme points of the class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). Now, suppose that f∈ESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) and f is not of the form (3.4). Then there exists i∈{2,3,...} such that
0<|ai|<B−Aλi or 0<|bi|<B−Aσi. |
If 0<|ai|<B−Aλi, then putting
γ=|ai|λiB−A, Φ=11−γ(f−γh∗i), |
we have that 0<γ<1, h∗i, Φ∈ Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), h∗i≠Φ and
f=γh∗i+(1−γ)Φ. |
Thus, f∉ESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). Similarly, if 0<|bi|<B−Aσi, then putting
γ=|bi|σiB−A, Ψ=11−γ(f−γg∗i), |
we have that 0<γ<1, g∗i, Φ∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), g∗i≠Ψ and
f=γg∗i+(1−γ)Ψ. |
It follows that f∉ESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), and this completes the proof.
A function f∈H0 is said to be starlike of order α in A(r) if
∂∂t(argf(ρeit))>α, 0≤t≤2π, 0<ρ<r<1. | (4.1) |
Also, A function f∈H0 is said to be convex of order α in A(r) if
∂∂t(∂∂t(argf(ρeit)))>α,0≤t≤2π,0<ρ<r<1. |
It easy to verify that for function f∈τ the condition (4.1) is equivalent to the following
ReDHf(z)f(z)>α (z∈A(r)), |
or equivalently
|DHf(z)−(1+α)f(z)DHf(z)+(1+α)f(z)|<1 (z∈A(r)). | (4.2) |
Let B be a subclass of the class H0. We define the radius of starlikeness and convexity
R∗α(B)=inff∈B(sup{r∈(0,1]:f is starlike of order α in A(r)}),Rcα(B)=inff∈B(sup{r∈(0,1]:f is convex of order α in A(r)}). |
In simple word these show the subregion of the open unit disc where the functions would behave starlike and convex of order α.
The radii of starlikeness of order α for the class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) is given by
R∗α(Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B))=infn≥2(1−αB−Amin{λnn−α,σnn+α})1n−1, | (4.3) |
where λn and σn are define in (2.2) and (2.3) respectively.
Proof. Let f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) be of the form (2.6). Then, for |z|=r<1 we have
|DHf(z)−(1+α)f(z)DHf(z)+(1+α)f(z)|=|−αz+∑∞n=2((n−1−α)|an|zn−(n+1+α)|bn|¯zn)(2−α)z+∑∞n=2((n+1−α)|an|zn−(n−1+α)|bn|¯zn)|≤α+∑∞n=2((n−1−α)|an|−(n+1+α)|bn|)rn−1(2−α)−∑∞n=2((n+1−α)|an|−(n−1+α)|bn|)rn−1. |
Thus the condition (4.2) is true if and only if
∞∑n=2(n−α1−α|an|+n+α1−α|bn|)rn−1≤1. | (4.4) |
By Theorem 2.2, we have
∞∑n=2(λnB−A|an|+σnB−A|bn|)≤1, | (4.5) |
where λn and σn are defined by (2.2) and (2.3) respectively. Thus the conditions (4.4) is true if
n−α1−αrn−1≤λnB−A,n+α1−αrn−1≤σnB−A(n=2,3,...), |
r≤(1−αB−Amin{λnn−α,σnn+α})1n−1 (n=2,3,...). |
It follows that the function f is starlike of order α in the disc A(r∗), where r∗
r∗:=inf(1−αB−Amin{λnn−α,σnn+α})1n−1. |
The functions h∗n and g∗n are define by (3.4) realize equality in (4.5), and the radius r∗ cannot be larger, thus we have (4.3).
The following theorem may be proved in much same fashion as Theorem 4.1..
The radii of convexity of order α for the class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) is given by
Rcα(Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B))=infn≥2(1−αB−Amin{λnn−α,σnn+α})1n−1, |
where λn and σn are define in (2.2) and (2.3) respectively.
In this section we give some applications of the work discussed in this article in the form of some results and examples. It is clear that if the class
F={fn∈H:n∈N} |
is locally uniformly bounded, then
¯coF={∞∑n=1γnfn:∞∑n=2γn=1,γn≥0 (n∈N)} | (5.1) |
Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B)={∞∑n=2(γnhn+δngn):∞∑n=2(γn+δn)=1,δ1=0, γn,δn≥0 (n∈N)}, | (5.2) |
where hn and gn are defined by Eq (3.4).
Proof. By Theorem 3.4 and Lemma 3.3 we have
Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B)=¯coSα,βτ(m,δ,A,B)=¯coESα,βτ(m,δ,A,B). |
Thus, by Theorem 3.5 and by (5.1) we have Eq (5.2).
We observe, that for each n∈N, z∈A, the following real-valued functionals are continuous and convex on H:
J(f)=|an|, J(f)=|bn|, J(f)=|f(z)|, J(f)=|DHf(z)| (f∈H), |
J(f)=(12π∫2π0|f(reiθ)|γdθ)1γ (f∈H,γ≥1,0<r<1). |
Therefore, using Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 3.5 we have the following corollaries.
Let f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) be a function of the form (2.6). Then
|an|≤B−Aλn, |bn|≤B−Aσn (n=2,3,...). | (5.3) |
where λn and σn are defined by (2.2) and (2.3) respectively. The result is sharp. The function h∗n and g∗n of the form (3.4) are extremal functions.
Proof. Since for the extremal functions h∗n and g∗n we have |an|=B−Aλn and |bn|=B−Aσn. Thus, by Lemma 3.1 we have Eq (5.3).
Since B−A+2λ2>B−Aλ2 the polynomial
k(z)=z−B−A+2λ2z2 (z∈A), |
by Corollary 5.2, clearly k(z) does not belong to Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B).
Let f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B), |z|=r<1. Then
r−|Γ(α+β)[1+δ]mΓ(β)|B−A(1+2B−A)r2≤|f(z)|≤r+|Γ(α+β)[1+δ]mΓ(β)|B−A(1+2B−A)r2,r−|Γ(α+β)[1+δ]mΓ(β)|2(B−A)(1+2B−A)r2≤|DHf(z)|≤r+|Γ(α+β)[1+δ]mΓ(β)|2(B−A)(1+2B−A)r2. |
Due to Littlewood [37] we consider the integral means inequalities for functions from the class Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B).
Let f,g∈A. If f≺g, then
∫2π0|f(reiθ)|γdθ≤∫2π0|g(reiθ)|γdθ . |
Let 0<r<1, γ>0. Then
12π∫2π0|h∗n(reiθ)|γdθ≤12π∫2π0|h∗2(reiθ)|γdθ (n=2,3,...), | (5.4) |
12π∫2π0|g∗n(reiθ)|γdθ≤12π∫2π0|h∗2(reiθ)|γdθ (n=2,3,...), | (5.5) |
where h∗n and g∗nis defined by Eq (3.4).
Proof. Let h∗n and g∗n are define by Eq (3.4) and let ~gn(z)=z+B−Aσnzn (n=2,3,...). Since h∗nz≺h∗2z and ~gnz≺h∗2z, by Lemma 5.5 we have
∫2π0|h∗n(reiθ)|γdθ≤∫2π0|h∗2(reiθ)|γdθ, |
∫2π0|g∗n(reiθ)|γdθ=∫2π0|~gn(reiθ)|γdθ≤∫2π0|h∗2(reiθ)|γdθ, |
which complete the proof.
If f∈Sα,βτ(m,δ,A,B) then
12π∫2π0|f(reiθ)|γdθ≤12π∫2π0|h∗2(reiθ)|γdθ, |
12π∫2π0|DHf(reiθ)|γdθ≤12π∫2π0|DHh∗2(reiθ)|γdθ, |
where γ≥1, 0<r<1 and h∗2 is the function defined by Eq (3.4).
With the use of Mittag-Leffer functions, we introduced a new subclass of harmonic mappings in Janowski domain. We studied some useful results, like necessary and sufficient conditions, coefficient inequality, topological properties, radii problems, distortion bounds and integral mean of inequality for newly defined classes of functions. It can be seen that our defined class not only generalizes various well known classes and their respective results but also give new direction to this field by the introduction of Mittag-Leffer functions here. Further using the concepts of Mittag-Leffer functions these problems can be studied for classes of meromorphic harmonic functions, Bazilevi'c harmonic functions and for p-valent harmonic functions as well.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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