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Research article

Space-time decay rate of high-order spatial derivative of solution for 3D compressible Euler equations with damping

  • Received: 03 November 2022 Revised: 12 January 2023 Accepted: 28 January 2023 Published: 12 May 2023
  • We are concerned with the space-time decay rate of high-order spatial derivatives of solutions for 3D compressible Euler equations with damping. For any integer 3, Kim (2022) showed the space-time decay rate of the k(0k2)th-order spatial derivative of the solution. By making full use of the structure of the system, and employing different weighted energy methods for 0k2,k=1,k=, it is shown that the space-time decay rate of the (1)th-order and th-order spatial derivative of the strong solution in weighted Lebesgue space L2σ are t3412+σ2 and t342+σ2 respectively, which are totally new as compared to that of Kim (2022) [1].

    Citation: Qin Ye. Space-time decay rate of high-order spatial derivative of solution for 3D compressible Euler equations with damping[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(7): 3879-3894. doi: 10.3934/era.2023197

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  • We are concerned with the space-time decay rate of high-order spatial derivatives of solutions for 3D compressible Euler equations with damping. For any integer 3, Kim (2022) showed the space-time decay rate of the k(0k2)th-order spatial derivative of the solution. By making full use of the structure of the system, and employing different weighted energy methods for 0k2,k=1,k=, it is shown that the space-time decay rate of the (1)th-order and th-order spatial derivative of the strong solution in weighted Lebesgue space L2σ are t3412+σ2 and t342+σ2 respectively, which are totally new as compared to that of Kim (2022) [1].

    In this paper, we investigate the space-time decay rate of the (1)th-order and th-order spatial derivatives of the strong solution for the 3D compressible Euler equations with damping, which takes the following form:

    {ρt+div(ρu)=0,(ρu)t+div(ρuu)+ργ=λρu,(ρ,u)|t=0=(ρ0,u0), (1.1)

    where (x,t)R3×R+ is the spatial coordinate and time. ρ=ρ(x,t) and u=u(x,t) represent the density and velocity respectively. The pressure p=p(ρ) satisfies the γ-law with the adiabatic exponent γ>1. The constant λ>0 models the damping effect.

    We review some closely related results to this topic as follows. For the one-dimensional Cauchy problem, [2,3,4,5,6] presented a series of results on convergence rates for the nonlinear diffusion waves, [7,8,9,10] considered the asymptotic behavior of weak entropy solutions in vacuum and [11] focused on the well-posedness for compressible Euler equations with physical vacuum singularity. We also refer the readers to [12,13] for the initial-boundary value problem. For multidimensional cases, Jang and Masmoudi [14] showed the well-posedness for the compressible Euler equations with physical vacuum singularity. Wang and Yang [15] gave the global existence and the pointwise estimates of the solution with small data, Sideris et al. [16] used an equivalent reformulation of the system (1.1) to obtain the effective energy estimates. Liao et al. [17] studied the Lp convergence rate of the planar diffusion waves by using approximate Green functions and the energy method. Fang et al. [18] obtained the existence and asymptotic behavior of C1 solutions in some Besov space by using the spectral localization method. Tan and Wang [19,20] improved the decay result of the velocity in the L2-norm that is (1+t)54 by using different methods. As for the initial boundary value problem, we refer the interested readers to [15,21,22,23]. For the decay rate of the strong solution to the Cauchy problem (1.1), under the assumption that (ρ0ˉρ,u0)H with the integer 3 was sufficiently small and ρ0ˉρL1+u0L32 was finite, Chen and Tan [24] showed the temporal decay rate for the solution of (1.1) to be as follows:

    k(ρˉρ)(t)L2(1+t)34k2(0k),ku(t)L2(1+t)34k212(0k1),u(t)L2(1+t)342. (1.2)

    Based on (1.2), for any integer 3, Kim [1] obtained that the space-time decay rate of the solution for the system (1.1) is O(t34k2+σ2),0k2.

    Noticing that there is no space-time decay rate of the (1)th-order or th-order spatial derivative of solution to (1.1), the main motivation behind this paper is to significantly contribute to the resolution of this issue. More precisely, we establish the space-time decay rates of the (1)th-order and th-order spatial derivatives of the strong solution for (1.1).

    In this paper, as in [16,25], we reformulate the Cauchy problem (1.1) as follows. Introduce the sound speed


    and set ˉμ=μ(ˉρ) to correspond to the sound speed at a background density ˉρ>0. Define


    Then, (1.1) can be rewritten as

    {nt+ˉμdivu=unνndivu,ut+λu+ˉμn=uuνnn,(n,u)|t=0(n0,u0), (1.3)



    C and Ci are time independent constants, which may vary in different places. Lp and H denote the usual Lebesgue space Lp(R3) and Sobolev spaces H(R3)=W,2(R3) with norms Lp and H respectively. We denote (f,g)X:=fX+gX for simplicity. The notation fg means that fCg. We often drop the x-dependence of the differential operators, that is f=xf=(x1f,x2f,x3f) and k denotes any partial derivative α with the multi-index α,|α|=k. For any σR, denote the weighted Lebesgue space by Lpσ(R3)(2p<+), where


    Then, we can define the weighted Sobolev space as follows:


    We extend the work of Kim [1], which showed the space-time decay rate of the k(0k2,3)th-order derivative of the strong solution for the system (1.3) as follows in Lemma 1.1. Based on (1.2) and the result of Kim [1], we can prove the space-time decay rate of the k(0k)th-order derivative of the strong solution. It covers the results of Kim [1]. For the convenience of the readers, we outline the space-time decay rates of the (1)th-order and th-order derivatives of the solution in the following Theorem 1.2.

    Lemma 1.1. (Refer to Theorem 1.2 in [1]) For any integer 3, the initial data (n0,u0)H(R3), where (n0,u0)H is sufficiently small and n0L1+u0L32 is finite; Then, the strong solution (n,u) of the system (1.3) such that

    k(n,u)(t)L2σ=O(t34k2+σ2), (1.4)

    for all 0k2, σ0 and t>T, where T is large enough.

    Theorem 1.2. For any integer 3, the initial data (n0,u0)H(R3)Hσ(R3), where (n0,u0)H is sufficiently small and n0L1+u0L32 is finite; Then, the strong solution (n,u) of the system (1.3) such that

    1(n,u)(t)L2σ=O(t3412+σ2),(n,u)(t)L2σ=O(t342+σ2), (1.5)

    for all σ0 and t>T, where T is large enough.

    Remark 1.3. Kim [1] did not give the (1)th-order and th-order spatial derivatives of the strong solution for the system (1.3) since the term k(n,u)(,t)L(k=0,,2) is involved in the following energy inequality

    ddtˆK(t)k1β=0(β+1nL+β+1uL)ˆK(t)+kβ=0ˆK(t)a1aβn2aL2Ctk232ˆK(t)+Ct2k+32aˆK(t)a1a, (1.6)

    where ˆK(t)=kβ=0β(n,u)2L2σ(0k2). Noticing that the estimate in (1.6) is the sum of the estimates of Ij(1j5) given in (3.3). To prove (1.5), we need to develop some new thoughts, and our strategy can be outlined as follows. First, we make full use of the structure of (1.3) to reduce the order of the spatial derivative of the solution (see (3.6) and (3.8)). Second, we make delicate energy estimates for Ij respectively, and we employ different weighted energy methods for 0k2,k=1,k= in the process. We can refer the readers to the proofs of (3.9) and (3.17) for more details.

    Now, let us outline the strategies of proving Theorem 1.2 and explain the main difficulties in the process. We use the strategy of induction, delicate weighted energy estimates and the interpolation trick to prove Theorem 1.2. According to (1.4), Theorem 1.2 holds for k=0 and k=1. Using the strategy of induction and delicate weighted energy estimates, one has


    where ˆE(t):=k(n,u)2L2σ. Combining the interpolation trick, we can prove that Theorem 1.2 holds for 0k. The main difficulty is that Lemma 2.2 does not work in weighted Lebesgue space L2σ. To overcome the difficulty, we fully use the structure of (1.3) to reduce the order of the spatial derivative of the solution, and we make delicate weighted energy estimates. For the sake of simplicity, we only take the trouble term |x|2σn,(ndivu) in (3.6) as an example. First, by fully using the structure of (1.3)1 to obtain an equation of divu given in (3.4), and by substituting (3.4) into this term, one has

    |x|2σn,(ndivu)=|x|2σn,(nun+ntλ+νn)=|x|2σn,(nλ+νn)u+1n+|x|2σn,(nλ+νn)nt+|x|2σn,(nλ+νn)un+good terms:=K1+K2+K3+good terms. (1.7)

    Next, we will focus on the main trouble terms Kj(j=1,2,3). For the term K1, by employing integration by parts, it holds that

    |x|2σn,u+1n=12(|x|2σu),|n|2. (1.8)

    For the term K2, we have

    |x|2σn,(nλ+νn)nt=12ddt|x|2σ|n|2,(nλ+νn)12|x|2σ|n|2,ddt(nλ+νn), (1.9)

    where n2L2σ|x|2σ|n|2,(nλ+νn) is equivalent to n2L2σ, since n0H is sufficiently small, and the fact that


    Noticing that Lemma 2.2 does not work in L2σ, for the term K3, we need to employ some new ideas. The key observation here is to use Hölder's inequality skillfully to get

    |x|2σn(nλ+νn)unL1k(nλ+νn)L2knL2σ|x|σuLnL, (1.10)


    |x|σuL(2uL2σ+uL2σ1+uL2σ2+uL2σ+uL2σ1)(see (2.1)).

    With (1.8)–(1.10) in hand, we can bound the trouble terms K1, K2 and K3 properly.

    The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present some lemmas, which are used frequently throughout this paper. In Section 3, using the strategy of induction, delicate weighted energy estimates and the interpolation trick, we prove Theorem 1.2.

    Lemma 2.1. (Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality) Let 0i,jk; Then,


    where a satisfies


    Especially, when p=3,q=r=2,i=j=0 and k=1, combining Cauchy's inequality, we have


    when p=,q=r=2,i=0,j=1 and k=2, combining Cauchy's inequality, we have



    |x|σfL((|x|σf)12L22(|x|σf)12L2)(2fL2σ+fL2σ1+fL2σ2+fL2σ+fL2σ1); (2.1)

    while i=j=0,k=1,a=1 and p=q=r=2, combining Minkowski's inequality, we have

    |x|σfL6(|x|σf)L2(fL2σ+fL2σ1). (2.2)

    Proof. This is a special case of [26] and some simple inferences.

    Lemma 2.2. Assume that the function f(ϱ) satisfies

    f(ϱ)ϱandf(k)(ϱ)Ckfor anyk1,

    then for any integer k0 and p2, we have


    Proof. Refer to Lemma A.4 of [24] for p=2 and the Lemma 2.2 of [27] for p2.

    Lemma 2.3. The vector function fC0(R3) and bounded scalar function g such that


    Proof. The left side of the above inequality can be rewritten as


    Using Hölder's inequality, we have


    Lemma 2.4. (Interpolation inequality with weights) If p,r1,s+n/r,α+n/p,β+n/q>0 and 0θ1 then


    for fC0(Rn) provided that




    Especially, while s=p=q=2,θ=σ1σ,s=σ1,α=σ and β=0, we have

    fL2σ1fσ1σL2σf1σL2. (2.3)

    Proof. We compute


    Thus, we complete the proof of Lemma 2.4.

    Lemma 2.5. (Gronwall-type Lemma) Let α0>1,α1<1,α2<1, and β1<1,β2<1. Assume that a continuously differential function F:[1,)[0,) satisfies


    where C0,C1,C2,C3,K00 and σi=1αi1βi>0 for i=1,2. Assume that σ1σ2, then, there exists a constant C depending on α0,α1,β1,α2,β2,K0 and Ci,i=1,2,3, for all t1, such that F(t)Ctσ1.

    Proof. We can refer to Lemma 2.1 of [28].

    According to (1.2), for all 0k and t>T, where T is large enough, we have

    k(n,u)(t)L2t34k2. (3.1)

    We will take the strategy of induction to prove Theorem 1.2 as follows. According to (1.4), Theorem 1.2 holds for k=0 and k=1. By the general step of induction, assume that the estimate (1.5) holds for 0mk1(2k), i.e.,

    m(n,u)(t)L2σO(t34m2+σ2), (3.2)

    for 0mk1. Then, we need to verify that (3.2) holds for m=k. Applying k to each equation of (1.3)1 and (1.3)2, multiplying the (1.3)1 and (1.3)2 by |x|2σkn and |x|2σku respectively, summing them up and then integrating over R3, we have

    12ddtk(n,u)2L2σ+λku2L2σ=ˉμR3(|x|2σ)knkudx|x|2σkn,k(un)ν|x|2σkn,k(ndivu)|x|2σku,k(uu)ν|x|2σku,k(nn):=5j=1Ij. (3.3)

    For 0k, there exist the terms involving k+1(n,u) in (3.3). To reduce the order of k+1(n,u), we have to use the equations divu and n as derived from (1.3) as follows:

    divu=un+ntλ+νn, (3.4)
    n=uu+utλ+νn. (3.5)

    Substituting (3.4) and (3.5) into (3.3), we have

    12ddtk(n,u)2L2σ+λku2L2σ=ˉμR3(|x|2σ)knkudx|x|2σkn,k(un)+ν|x|2σkn,k(nunλ+νn)+ν|x|2σkn,k(nntλ+νn)|x|2σku,k(uu)+ν|x|2σku,k(n(uu+λu)λ+νn)+ν|x|2σku,k(nutλ+νn):=7j=1Jj. (3.6)

    Applying Lemma 2.3 and Cauchy's inequality, one has

    |J1|(|x|2σ)knkuL1kuL2σknL2σ1ϵκ2ku2L2σ+Cκ2(ϵ)kn2L2σ1. (3.7)

    For J2, using integration by parts, we obtain


    Using Minkowski's inequality, Hölder's inequality, Lemmas 2.3 and 2.1 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality), (3.1) and (3.2), and Cauchy's inequality, we have

    |J2|(|x|2σu)|kn|2L1+km=1|x|2σknmukm+1nL1uLknL2σknL2σ1+uLkn2L2σ+k2m=2muLknL2σkm+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σ2nL+kuL2σknL2σnLuH1knL2σknL2σ1+2uH1kn2L2σ+kuL2σknL2σ2nH1+k2m=2m+1uH1knL2σkm+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σ3nH1t54knL2σknL2σ1+t74(kn2L2σ+kuL2σknL2σ)+t54k2+σ254knL2σt54k(n,u)2L2σ+t54kn2L2σ1+t52k+σ. (3.8)

    For J3, we have

    1νJ3=|x|2σkn,k(nunλ+νn)=|x|2σkn,nλ+νnk(un)+k|x|2σkn,(nλ+νn)k1(un)+k2m=2Cmk|x|2σkn,mukm+1n+|x|2σkn,k1(nλ+νn)(un)+|x|2σkn,k(nλ+νn)un:=5j=1J3,j. (3.9)

    Using integration by parts, we obtain


    Applying Minkowski's inequality, Hölder's inequality, Lemmas 2.3 and 2.1 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality), (3.1), (3.2) and Cauchy's inequality, we have

    |J3,1|nλ+νnL[(|x|2σ)|kn|2L1+kj=1|x|2σknjukj+1nL1]+|x|2σ(nλ+νn)u|kn|2L1nL[uLknL2σknL2σ1+uLkn2L2σ+k2j=2juLknL2σkj+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σ2nL+kuL2σknL2σnL]+nLuLkn2L2σnH1[uH1knL2σknL2σ1+2uH1kn2L2σ+k2j=2j+1uH1knL2σkj+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σ3nH1+kuL2σknL2σ2nH1]+2nH1uH1kn2L2σt52knL2σknL2σ1+t3kn2L2σ+t54k2+σ252knL2σ+t54k2+σ23knL2σ+t3kuL2σknL2σt52k(n,u)2L2σ+t52kn2L2σ1+t52k+σ. (3.10)

    Applying Minkowski's inequality, Hölder's inequality, Lemmas 2.2 and 2.1 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality), (3.1), (3.2) and Cauchy's inequality, we obtain

    |J3,2|nL[uLkn2L2σ+k2j=1juLknL2σk1j+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σnL]2nH1[uH1kn2L2σ+k2j=1j+1uH1knL2σk1j+1nL2σ+k1uL2σknL2σ2nH1]t3kn2L2σ+t54k2+σ252knL2σt3kn2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.11)
    |J3,3|k2m=2mnLknL2σkmj=0juLkmj+1nL2σk2m=2m+1nH1knL2σkmj=0j+1uH1kmj+1nL2σt54k2+σ252knL2σt5kn2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.12)
    |J3,4|k1(nλ+νn)L3knL2σ(uL2nL6σ+uLnL6σ)k1nH1knL2σ[uH1(3nL2σ+2nL2σ1)+2uH1(2nL2σ+nL2σ1)]t5kn2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.13)
    |J3,5|k(nλ+νn)L2knL2σ|x|σuLnLknL2knL2σ(2uL2σ+uL2σ1+uL2σ2+uL2σ+uL2σ1)2nH1t5kn2L2σ+t52k+σ. (3.14)

    Substituting (3.10)–(3.14) into (3.9), we have

    |J3|t52k(n,u)2L2σ+t52kn2L2σ1+t52k+σ. (3.15)

    For J4, we have to use the equation nt derived from (1.3)1 as follows:

    nt=(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu). (3.16)

    Applying (3.16), J4 can be rewritten as

    1νJ4=|x|2σkn,nλ+νnknt+km=1Cmk|x|2σkn,m(nλ+νn)kmnt=12ddt|x|2σ|kn|2,nλ+νn12|x|2σ|kn|2,ddt(nλ+νn)+km=1Cmk|x|2σkn,m(nλ+νn)kmnt=12ddt|x|2σ|kn|2,nλ+νn+λ2|x|2σ|kn|2,(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu)(λ+νn)2k|x|2σkn,(nλ+νn)k1(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu)k2m=2Cmk|x|2σkn,m(nλ+νn)km(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu)k|x|2σkn,k1(nλ+νn)(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu)|x|2σkn,k(nλ+νn)(ˉμdivu+un+νndivu):=12ddt|x|2σ|kn|2,nλ+νn+λ2J4,1+J4,2+J4,3+J4,4+J4,5. (3.17)

    Applying Minkowski's inequality, Hölder's inequality, Lemmas 2.2 and 2.1 (Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality), (3.1), (3.2) and Cauchy's inequality, we obtain

    |J4,1|1(λ+νn)2Lkn2L2σ(uL+uLnL+nLuL)nH1kn2L2σ(2uH1+uH12nH1+nH12uH1)t3kn2L2σ, (3.18)
    |J4,2|nLknL2σ(kuL2σ+(n,u)Lk(n,u)L2σ+k2j=1j(n,u)Lk1j+1(n,u)L2σ+k1(n,u)L2σ(n,u)L)2nH1knL2σ(kuL2σ+(n,u)H1k(n,u)L2σ+k2j=1j+1(n,u)H1k1j+1(n,u)L2σ+k1(n,u)L2σ2(n,u)H1)t74knL2σkuL2σ+t3knL2σk(n,u)L2σ+t54k2+σ252knL2σt3k(n,u)2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.19)
    |J4,3|k2m=2mnLknL2σ(km+1uL2σ+kmj=0j(n,u)Lkmj+1(n,u)L2σ)k2m=2m+1nH1knL2σ(km+1uL2σ+kmj=0j+1(n,u)H1kmj+1(n,u)L2σ)t54k2+σ254knL2σ+t54k2+σ252knL2σt52kn2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.20)
    |J4,4|k1(nλ+νn)L3knL2σ(2uL6σ+(n,u)L2(n,u)L6σ+(n,u)L(n,u)L6σ)k1nH1knL2σ[(3uL2σ+2uL2σ1)+uH1(3nL2σ+2nL2σ1)+2uH1(2nL2σ+nL2σ1)]t54k2+σ254knL2σ+t54k2+σ252knL2σt52kn2L2σ+t52k+σ, (3.21)
    |J4,5|k(nλ+νn)L2(|x|σuL+knL2σ|x|σ(n,u)L(n,u)L)knL2knL2σ[(2(n,u)L2σ+(n,u)L2σ1+(n,u)L2σ2+(n,u)L2σ+(n,u)L2σ1)(1+2(n,u)H1)]t52kn2L2σ+t52k+σ. (3.22)

    Substituting (3.18)–(3.22) into (3.17), we have

    |J4|ν2ddt|x|2σ|kn|2,nλ+νn+Ct52k(n,u)2L2σ+Ct52k+σ. (3.23)

    Using the same arguments as J2, J3 and J4 for J5, J6 and J7 respectively, we have

    |J5|t54k(n,u)2L2σ+t54ku2L2σ1+t52k+σ,|J6|t52k(n,u)2L2σ+t52ku2L2σ1+t52k+σ,|J7|ν2ddt|x|2σ|ku|2,nλ+νn+Ct52k(n,u)2L2σ+Ct52k+σ. (3.24)

    Substituting (3.7), (3.8), (3.15), (3.23) and (3.24) into (3.6), and noticing that ϵ is small enough, then there exists a large enough T such that

    12ddt[k(n,u)2L2σ+ν|x|2σ(|kn|2+|ku|2),nλ+νn]+λ2ku2L2σt54k(n,u)2L2σ+t54k(n,u)2L2σ1+t52k+σ, (3.25)

    for all t>T. Defining


    it is obvious that there exist two positive constants ¯C and C_ such that C_k(p,u)2L2σH(t)¯Ck(p,u)2L2σ. Thus, H(t) is equivalent to k(p,u)2L2σ, and (3.25) can be rewritten as

    12ddtk(n,u)2L2σ+λ2ku2L2σt54k(n,u)2L2σ+t54k(n,u)2L2σ1+t52k+σ. (3.26)

    Substituting (2.3) and (3.1) into (3.26), we have

    12ddtk(n,u)2L2σ+λ2ku2L2σt54k(n,u)2L2σ+k(n,u)2(σ1)σL2σk(n,u)2σL2+t52k+σt54k(n,u)2L2σ+t(34k2)2σk(n,u)2(σ1)σL2σ+t52k+σ. (3.27)

    Denoting , we can obtain

    If , then we can apply Lemma 2.5 with and , . Thus,


    for all . The Theorem 1.2 is proved for all and the conclusion for the case of is proved by Lemma 2.4 (Interpolation inequality with weights). More precisely, by combining (3.1) and (3.28), we have


    for all and , where . Thus, we have covered the proof of Theorem 1.2.

    This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (12271114), Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2019JJG110003, 2019AC20214), Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education (YCSW2023133) and Key Laboratory of Mathematical and Statistical Model (Guangxi Normal University), Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The author is grateful to Prof. Yinghui Zhang for the helpful discussions.

    The author declares that there is no conflicts of interest.

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