Review Special Issues

Activity and efficiency of the building sector in Morocco: A review of status and measures in Ifrane

  • Received: 12 January 2023 Revised: 22 April 2023 Accepted: 25 April 2023 Published: 11 May 2023
  • One-third of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the world's building stock while accounting for 40% of global energy use. There is no way to combat global warming or attain energy independence without addressing the inefficiency of the building sector. This sector is the second consumer of electricity after the industrial sector in Morocco and is ranked third emitter after the energy sector and transportation sector. Using Ifrane as a case study, this paper examines and reviews the city's energy use and the initiatives taken to improve building efficiency. The findings showed that, during the analyzed period, i.e., from 2014 to 2022, Ifrane's annual electricity consumption climbed steadily from 35 to 43 GWh. The government of Morocco has implemented effective laws, guidelines and regulations, as well as publicized ways to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. However, gathered data and survey results revealed opportunities and challenges for enhancing Ifrane's efficient energy use.

    The study also evaluates government programs, codes/standards and related actions for the improvement of household energy efficiency. As part of the review, the available literature was analyzed to assess the effectiveness of energy behavior and awareness, the impact of an economical and sustainable building envelope, the impact of building retrofitting programs, the importance of energy-performing devices and appliances, the adoption of smart home energy management systems, the integration of renewable energies for on-site clean energy generation and the role of policies and governance in the building sector in Ifrane. A benchmark evaluation and potential ideas are offered to guide energy policies and improve energy efficiency in Ifrane and other cities within the same climate zone.

    Citation: Hamza El Hafdaoui, Ahmed Khallaayoun, Kamar Ouazzani. Activity and efficiency of the building sector in Morocco: A review of status and measures in Ifrane[J]. AIMS Energy, 2023, 11(3): 454-485. doi: 10.3934/energy.2023024

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  • One-third of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the world's building stock while accounting for 40% of global energy use. There is no way to combat global warming or attain energy independence without addressing the inefficiency of the building sector. This sector is the second consumer of electricity after the industrial sector in Morocco and is ranked third emitter after the energy sector and transportation sector. Using Ifrane as a case study, this paper examines and reviews the city's energy use and the initiatives taken to improve building efficiency. The findings showed that, during the analyzed period, i.e., from 2014 to 2022, Ifrane's annual electricity consumption climbed steadily from 35 to 43 GWh. The government of Morocco has implemented effective laws, guidelines and regulations, as well as publicized ways to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. However, gathered data and survey results revealed opportunities and challenges for enhancing Ifrane's efficient energy use.

    The study also evaluates government programs, codes/standards and related actions for the improvement of household energy efficiency. As part of the review, the available literature was analyzed to assess the effectiveness of energy behavior and awareness, the impact of an economical and sustainable building envelope, the impact of building retrofitting programs, the importance of energy-performing devices and appliances, the adoption of smart home energy management systems, the integration of renewable energies for on-site clean energy generation and the role of policies and governance in the building sector in Ifrane. A benchmark evaluation and potential ideas are offered to guide energy policies and improve energy efficiency in Ifrane and other cities within the same climate zone.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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