Research article Special Issues

The contrasting mosaic of consumers' knowledge on local plant genetic resources sustainability vis a vis the unawareness for indigenous farm animal breeds

  • Received: 03 April 2024 Revised: 29 April 2024 Accepted: 06 May 2024 Published: 30 May 2024
  • Unlike the conservation of wild plants and animals, which is a global policy issue, the conservation of locally cultivated plant varieties and indigenous breeds of farm animals is largely dependent on the farmers' choice to exploit them. This choice is subsequently influenced by consumer perceptions. As various local genetic resources of local plant varieties and farm animal breeds are of low productivity, they are not preferred by farmers and are therefore at risk of extinction. Consumer perceptions of food products originating from local genetic resources play a crucial role in the conservation of agrobiodiversity and sustainability of the primary sector, particularly in rural areas where short food supply chains can be more easily developed. The present study investigated consumer knowledge and opinions regarding products from local indigenous genetic resources in a rural area of particular agricultural importance: Western Macedonia, Greece. According to the findings, consumers have positive perceptions concerning local plant varieties and indigenous farm animal breeds, indicating their willingness to pay, but highlighting the requirement for reliable labeling. Interestingly, although Greece has a great diversity of indigenous farm animals, the public in the research area is only familiar with local plant varieties. Factors such as age, income and education level show a positive correlation with awareness for sustainability and conservation of local genetic resources.

    Citation: Martha Tampaki, Georgia Koutouzidou, Katerina Melfou, Athanasios Ragkos, Ioannis A. Giantsis. The contrasting mosaic of consumers' knowledge on local plant genetic resources sustainability vis a vis the unawareness for indigenous farm animal breeds[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2024, 9(2): 645-665. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2024035

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  • Unlike the conservation of wild plants and animals, which is a global policy issue, the conservation of locally cultivated plant varieties and indigenous breeds of farm animals is largely dependent on the farmers' choice to exploit them. This choice is subsequently influenced by consumer perceptions. As various local genetic resources of local plant varieties and farm animal breeds are of low productivity, they are not preferred by farmers and are therefore at risk of extinction. Consumer perceptions of food products originating from local genetic resources play a crucial role in the conservation of agrobiodiversity and sustainability of the primary sector, particularly in rural areas where short food supply chains can be more easily developed. The present study investigated consumer knowledge and opinions regarding products from local indigenous genetic resources in a rural area of particular agricultural importance: Western Macedonia, Greece. According to the findings, consumers have positive perceptions concerning local plant varieties and indigenous farm animal breeds, indicating their willingness to pay, but highlighting the requirement for reliable labeling. Interestingly, although Greece has a great diversity of indigenous farm animals, the public in the research area is only familiar with local plant varieties. Factors such as age, income and education level show a positive correlation with awareness for sustainability and conservation of local genetic resources.


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