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Stereotyped, automatized and habitual behaviours: are they similar constructs under the control of the same cerebral areas?

  • Received: 31 January 2020 Accepted: 18 May 2020 Published: 27 May 2020
  • Comprehensive knowledge about higher executive functions of motor control has been covered in the last decades. Critical goals have been targeted through many different technological approaches. An abundant flow of new results greatly progressed our ability to respond at better-posited answers to look more than ever at the challenging neural system functioning. Behaviour is the observable result of the invisible, as complex cerebral functioning. Many pathological states are approached after symptomatology categorisation of behavioural impairments is achieved. Motor, non-motor and psychiatric signs are greatly shared by many neurological/psychiatric disorders. Together with the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia contribute to the expression of behaviour promoting the correct action schemas and the selection of appropriate sub-goals based on the evaluation of action outcomes. The present review focus on the basic classification of higher motor control functioning, taking into account the recent advances in basal ganglia structural knowledge and the computational model of basal ganglia functioning. We discuss about the basal ganglia capability in executing ordered motor patterns in which any single movement is linked to each other into an action, and many actions are ordered into each other, giving them a syntactic value to the final behaviour. The stereotypic, automatized and habitual behaviour's constructs and controls are the expression of successive stages of rule internalization and categorisation aimed in producing the perfect spatial-temporal control of motor command.

    Citation: Tiziana M. Florio. Stereotyped, automatized and habitual behaviours: are they similar constructs under the control of the same cerebral areas?[J]. AIMS Neuroscience, 2020, 7(2): 136-152. doi: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2020010

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  • Comprehensive knowledge about higher executive functions of motor control has been covered in the last decades. Critical goals have been targeted through many different technological approaches. An abundant flow of new results greatly progressed our ability to respond at better-posited answers to look more than ever at the challenging neural system functioning. Behaviour is the observable result of the invisible, as complex cerebral functioning. Many pathological states are approached after symptomatology categorisation of behavioural impairments is achieved. Motor, non-motor and psychiatric signs are greatly shared by many neurological/psychiatric disorders. Together with the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia contribute to the expression of behaviour promoting the correct action schemas and the selection of appropriate sub-goals based on the evaluation of action outcomes. The present review focus on the basic classification of higher motor control functioning, taking into account the recent advances in basal ganglia structural knowledge and the computational model of basal ganglia functioning. We discuss about the basal ganglia capability in executing ordered motor patterns in which any single movement is linked to each other into an action, and many actions are ordered into each other, giving them a syntactic value to the final behaviour. The stereotypic, automatized and habitual behaviour's constructs and controls are the expression of successive stages of rule internalization and categorisation aimed in producing the perfect spatial-temporal control of motor command.



    Author acknowledges Profs. Marcello Alecci for general supervision of the research group and proofreading, Angelo Galante for stimulating discussions and Giuseppe Di Giovanni for encouraging comments and proofreading.


    University of L'Aquila RIA 2019 research funds.

    Conflict of interest

    Author declares no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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