Research article

Developing a model for improving the productivity and energy production of small-scale power plants using the physical asset management model in a fuzzy environment

  • Received: 18 September 2018 Accepted: 11 November 2018 Published: 13 December 2018
  • The electric power industry today is regarded as the engine of growth and development of other sectors. The technology-based nature of the electric power industry has caused its physical asset to be of particular importance. This study aims to develop a model for increasing the productivity and energy production of small-scale power plants using multi-criteria decision making in fuzzy environments. Productivity of manpower, capital, energy and quality, as the criteria affecting the purpose of the research, and ten activities of the uptime physical asset management model as a solution to meet the goal of the research have been considered.
    Based on the obtained results, it can be said that teamwork-based methods are the most important strategy for improving the productivity of small-scale power plants. The importance of teamwork is to the extent that other areas of physical asset management fail to function properly without relying on teamwork-based methods. The results of the study indicate that the proposed model is suitable for real-world problems and increases the productivity and uptime at small-scale power plants.

    Citation: Mehrdad masoudnejad, Morteza rayati damavandi, Siroos gholampoor. Developing a model for improving the productivity and energy production of small-scale power plants using the physical asset management model in a fuzzy environment[J]. AIMS Energy, 2018, 6(6): 1009-1024. doi: 10.3934/energy.2018.6.1009

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  • The electric power industry today is regarded as the engine of growth and development of other sectors. The technology-based nature of the electric power industry has caused its physical asset to be of particular importance. This study aims to develop a model for increasing the productivity and energy production of small-scale power plants using multi-criteria decision making in fuzzy environments. Productivity of manpower, capital, energy and quality, as the criteria affecting the purpose of the research, and ten activities of the uptime physical asset management model as a solution to meet the goal of the research have been considered.
    Based on the obtained results, it can be said that teamwork-based methods are the most important strategy for improving the productivity of small-scale power plants. The importance of teamwork is to the extent that other areas of physical asset management fail to function properly without relying on teamwork-based methods. The results of the study indicate that the proposed model is suitable for real-world problems and increases the productivity and uptime at small-scale power plants.

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