
Unraveling the urban climate crisis: Exploring the nexus of urbanization, climate change, and their impacts on the environment and human well-being – A global perspective

  • Received: 18 April 2024 Revised: 16 June 2024 Accepted: 05 July 2024 Published: 27 August 2024
  • The accelerating pace of urbanization, coupled with the intensifying impacts of climate change, poses unprecedented challenges to both the environment and human well-being. In this review, we delved into the intricate interaction between climate change and urbanization and the various effects they have on the environment and human well-being, shedding light on the emergent urban climate crisis. Urban areas serve as epicenters for diverse socio-economic activities, yet they also contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. Through an interdisciplinary lens, we explored the root causes of the urban climate crisis, examining how rapid urbanization exacerbates climate change and vice versa. By synthesizing current research and case studies, we elucidate the various environmental and social ramifications of this nexus, ranging from urban heat island effects to heightened vulnerability to extreme weather events. Furthermore, we delve into the unequal distribution of climate risks within urban populations, highlighting the disproportionate burden borne by marginalized communities. Finally, the chapter presents strategies and interventions for mitigating and adapting to the urban climate crisis, emphasizing the imperative of holistic and equitable approaches that prioritize both environmental sustainability and human well-being. Overall, this review calls for concerted efforts to unravel the complexities of the urban climate crisis and forge a path toward resilient, sustainable, and equitable urban futures.

    Citation: Sumanta Das, Malini Roy Choudhury, Bhagyasree Chatterjee, Pinanki Das, Sandeep Bagri, Debashis Paul, Mahadev Bera, Suman Dutta. Unraveling the urban climate crisis: Exploring the nexus of urbanization, climate change, and their impacts on the environment and human well-being – A global perspective[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2024, 11(3): 963-1001. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2024050

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  • The accelerating pace of urbanization, coupled with the intensifying impacts of climate change, poses unprecedented challenges to both the environment and human well-being. In this review, we delved into the intricate interaction between climate change and urbanization and the various effects they have on the environment and human well-being, shedding light on the emergent urban climate crisis. Urban areas serve as epicenters for diverse socio-economic activities, yet they also contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. Through an interdisciplinary lens, we explored the root causes of the urban climate crisis, examining how rapid urbanization exacerbates climate change and vice versa. By synthesizing current research and case studies, we elucidate the various environmental and social ramifications of this nexus, ranging from urban heat island effects to heightened vulnerability to extreme weather events. Furthermore, we delve into the unequal distribution of climate risks within urban populations, highlighting the disproportionate burden borne by marginalized communities. Finally, the chapter presents strategies and interventions for mitigating and adapting to the urban climate crisis, emphasizing the imperative of holistic and equitable approaches that prioritize both environmental sustainability and human well-being. Overall, this review calls for concerted efforts to unravel the complexities of the urban climate crisis and forge a path toward resilient, sustainable, and equitable urban futures.



    The authors would like to thank Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Kolkata, India for providing the basic facilities to carry out this work. Additionally, the authors extend gratitude to the researchers for their pioneering work in the field of urbanization and climate change, and to the anonymous reviewers for their forthcoming review of our manuscript. Additionally, the first/corresponding author appreciates the collaboration and support of the co-authors in finalizing the manuscript.

    Authors' contribution

    Sumanta Das: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Software, Literature search and review, Formal analysis, Visualization, Supervision, Resources, Co-ordination, Writing-original draft, Writing- Review & Editing; Malini Roy Choudhury: Conceptualization, Methodology, Literature search and review, Visualization, Writing- Review & Editing; Bhagyasree Chatterjee: Literature search and review, Writing-original draft; Pinanki Das: Literature search and review, Writing-original draft; Sandeep Bagri: Literature search and review, Writing-original draft; Debashis Paul: Literature search and review, Writing-original draft; Mahadev Bera: Writing- Review & Editing; Suman Dutta: Writing- Review & Editing.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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