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Research article

Propagation of smallness for solutions of elliptic equations in the plane

  • Current address: Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
  • Received: 15 December 2024 Revised: 07 January 2025 Accepted: 10 January 2025 Published: 14 January 2025
  • We explore quantitative propagation of smallness for solutions of two-dimensional elliptic equations from sets of positive δ-dimensional Hausdorff content for any δ>0. In particular, the gradients of solutions to divergence form equations with Hölder continuous coefficients, as well as those of nondivergence form equations with measurable coefficients, can be quantitatively estimated from the small sets.

    Citation: Yuzhe Zhu. Propagation of smallness for solutions of elliptic equations in the plane[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2025, 7(1): 1-12. doi: 10.3934/mine.2025001

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  • We explore quantitative propagation of smallness for solutions of two-dimensional elliptic equations from sets of positive δ-dimensional Hausdorff content for any δ>0. In particular, the gradients of solutions to divergence form equations with Hölder continuous coefficients, as well as those of nondivergence form equations with measurable coefficients, can be quantitatively estimated from the small sets.

    Let BR be the Euclidean ball in R2 centered at the origin with radius R>0. We aim in this work at studying quantitative propagation of smallness for solutions to the two-dimensional elliptic equation in divergence form

    (A(z)u(z))=0in B4, (1.1)

    or solutions to the equation in nondivergence form

    2j,k=1ajk(z)xjxku(z)=0in B4. (1.2)

    Here z=(x1,x2)R2, and the real symmetric matrix A(z)=(ajk(z))2×2 is elliptic, that is, there is some constant Λ>1 such that

    Λ1|ξ|22j,k=1ajk(z)ξjξkΛ|ξ|2for any ξR2, zB4. (1.3)

    When focusing on the properties of the gradient u for u solving (1.1), we have to suppose that the leading coefficients are Hölder continuous, that is, there is some constant γ(0,1] such that

    |ajk(z)ajk(z)|Λ|zz|γfor any j,k{1,2}, z,zB4. (1.4)

    We recall that solutions to (1.1) are those functions lying H1loc(B4) satisfying (1.1) in the sense of distributions, and solutions to (1.2) are those functions lying H2loc(B4) satisfying (1.2) almost everywhere.

    The goal of the present note is to show the propagation of smallness for solutions from any ωB1 lying on a line with Hδ(ω)>0, and propagation of smallness for gradients from any ΩB1 with Hδ(Ω)>0, for any fixed δ>0. Here we denote by Hδ the δ-dimensional Hausdorff content, that is, for a subset ER2,


    *In some standard literature, such as [23], the δ-dimensional Hausdorff content is commonly denoted by Hδ.

    The Hausdorff content is an outer measure that is always finite for bounded sets and smaller than the Hausdorff measure. It is worth noting that Hδ(E)=0 if and only if the δ-dimensional Hausdorff measure of E vanishes; see for instance [23, Lemma 4.6].

    Theorem 1.1. Let δ>0 and ωB1l0 satisfy Hδ(ω)>0 for some line l0 in R2 with the normal vector e0. There exist some constants C and α>0 depending only on Λ, δ and Hδ(ω) such that for any solution u of (1.1) subject to (1.3) with Aue0=0 on B1l0, we have


    Theorem 1.2. Let δ>0 and ΩB1 satisfy Hδ(Ω)>0. There exist some constants C and α>0 depending only on Λ, δ, γ and Hδ(Ω) such that for any solution u of (1.1) subject to (1.3) and (1.4), we have


    The same estimate holds for any u solving (1.2) subject to (1.3) only.

    The above results are related to the unique continuation property for two-dimensional elliptic equations with bounded measurable coefficients. The properties of equations in nondivergence and divergence forms were proved in [8] (see also [6]) and [5], respectively. By contrast, it has been known since [24,26] that if the coefficients are Hölder continuous but not Lipschitz, then one is able to construct a nontrivial solution, which vanishes on an open subset, to elliptic equations in either non-divergence or divergence forms with dimensions greater than three.

    The case in the plane is special owing to the theory of quasiregular mappings and the representation theorem; see [3,8,9]. It reduces the analysis from solutions (or gradients) of elliptic equations to holomorphic functions. The main idea of the proof of propagation of smallness for holomorphic functions (see Proposition 2.3 below) is based on the complex analysis arguments used in [1,18]. Two basic observations are that the ratio of a holomorphic function F and the polynomial sharing the same zeros as F is holomorphic and non-vanishing, and the logarithm of modulus of a non-vanishing holomorphic function is harmonic. The properties of harmonic functions and the Remez-type inequality for holomorphic polynomials (in the version obtained in [10,12]) then allow us to derive propagation of smallness from wild sets. We also point out that once their gradients are well-defined, the number of critical points of solutions can be computed by counting the zeros of holomorphic functions, which allows for quantitative estimates of the size of the critical set. For the smooth coefficients case, the computation can be found in [4,28], while discussions on the general case are presented in [5].

    Let us briefly discuss the higher-dimensional case. Consider the solution u to the elliptic equation (Au)=0 with Lipschitz coefficients in some domain of Rd for d3. It was proved in [19] that the propagation of smallness for u holds from sets of positive (d1+δ)-Hausdorff content for any δ>0. The result is sharp in the sense that zeros of harmonic functions in Rd may have positive (d1)-Hausdorff content. The propagation of smallness for |u| from sets of positive (d1ϵ)-Hausdorff content for some (small) ϵ>0 was also obtained in [19]. The size of zeros of |u| has been studied in certain settings since works such as [15,16]. It is now known from [25] that this zero set has finite (d2)-Hausdorff measure. On account of this, [19] further conjectured that the propagation result for |u| should hold from sets of positive (d2+δ)-Hausdorff content for any δ>0. Some partial results in the analytic setting can be found in [22]. One may refer to the review [20, Sections 7 and 8] for further discussion in this direction.

    In the two-dimensional setting, Theorem 1.2 provides propagation of smallness for gradients of solutions to both divergence form equations with Hölder continuous coefficients and nondivergence form equations with measurable coefficients, from sets of positive δ-dimensional Hausdorff content for any δ>0. We note that the result of Theorem 1.2 for divergence form equations with Lipschitz coefficients has been obtained in the first version of this paper and in [11], which relied on the findings in [4] or the utilization of isothermal coordinates.

    The outline of the article is as follows: We prove Theorem 1.1 in Section 2 and Theorem 1.2 in Section 3. Some remarks on applications of Theorem 1.1 to spectral inequalities and null controllability of heat equations with rough coefficients are presented in Appendix.

    In the rest of the article, the constant C>0, which will appear in the proofs below and depend only on Λ, δ, γ and Hδ(ω) (or Hδ(Ω)), may be changed line by line.

    This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1. We first review the notion of A-harmonic conjugate (or sometimes called stream function); one may refer to [3,27]. Consider the solution u(z) of (1.1) subject to (1.3), and identify z=x1+ix2 for x1,x2R. The A-harmonic conjugate v of u is defined by

    v=(0110)Au, (2.1)

    so that v verifies the following elliptic equation,


    where the fact that det(A)1A=det(A)1AT=(0110)A1(0110) was used. Now that vH1loc(B4) is unique up to an additive constant, we may additionally assume that v(z0)=0 for some z0B1. Define the function f:B4C by


    By definition and (1.3), we have


    for the norm |Df|2:=|u|2+|v|2 and the Jacobian Jf:=x1ux2vx2ux1v. We are now positioned to recall the concept of quasiregular mapping.

    Definition 2.1. Let U be an open set in C and K1 be a constant. A complex-valued function fH1loc(U) satisfying |Df|2(K+K1)Jf almost everywhere in U is said to be a K-quasiregular mapping on U.

    The following representation theorem plays a pivotal role in two-dimensional elliptic theory, which was first obtained in [8, §2 Representation Theorem] and [9, Theorem 4.4]. For our intended applications, we refer to [27, II 2.1] or [3, Corollary 5.5.3], and formulate it as follows, which is adequate for our needs.

    Lemma 2.2. Let the constant K1. Any K-quasiregular mapping f:B4C can be written as


    Here F is holomorphic in B4, and χ:B4B4, with χ(z0)=0, is a K-quasiconformal homeomorphism satisfying

    M1|zz|1/β|χ(z)χ(z)|M|zz|βfor any z,zB4, (2.2)

    where the exponent β=1/K(0,1] and the constant M>1 depends only on K.

    Let us turn to the main result of this section. It gives the corresponding quantitative propagation of smallness for holomorphic functions.

    Proposition 2.3. Let θ>0, R(0,1/4) and GBR satisfy Hθ(G)>0. There exists some constant C>0 depending only on θ and Hθ(G) such that for any holomorphic function F in B5R, we have


    Proof. Regarding to the holomorphic function F(ζ) for ζB4R, we assume that NN and ζ1,,ζN are the zeros of F in B2R, listed with multiplicities, and ζ0¯BR satisfies |F(ζ0)|=supBR|F(ζ)|. Consider the polynomial P(ζ) sharing the same zeros as F(ζ) in B2R so that their ratio h(ζ) is holomorphic and non-vanishing in B2R; more precisely,


    It follows that log|h(ζ)| is harmonic in B2R, and

    |h(ζ0)|supBR|F|. (2.3)

    Moreover, by the maximum modulus principle, we have

    supB4R|h|supB4R|F|supB4R|P1|CNsupB4R|F|. (2.4)

    Applying the Harnack inequality to supB4Rlog|h|log|h(ζ)| yields that


    which is equivalent to


    Combining this with (2.3) and (2.4) implies that

    supBR|F|CsupB4R|h|CNsupB4R|F|CinfBR|h|. (2.5)

    Recall the Remez-type inequality (see [12, Theorem 4.3] or [13, Theorem 4.1]) for holomorphic polynomials of degree N that

    supBR|P|(20/Hθ(G))N/θsupG|P|. (2.6)

    Multiplying the inequalities (2.5) and (2.6), we deduce


    Since Jensen's formula shows that the number of zeros of F in B2R satisfies


    we derive the desired result.

    Corollary 2.4. Let δ>0 and ΩB1 satisfy Hδ(Ω)>0. There exist some constants C,α>0 depending only on Λ, δ and Hδ(Ω) such that for any solution u of (1.1) subject to (1.3) with its A-harmonic conjugate v satisfying v(z0)=0 for some z0B1, we have


    Proof. The derivation is reduced to the analysis of holomorphic functions with the aid of Lemma 2.2. With the complex functions F and χ provided in Lemma 2.2, for z=χ1(ζ)B4, we have


    Without loss of generality, by the property (2.2) of χ, we may assume that χ(B2)B2, and χ(Br),χ(Ω)BR, where the constants R,r(0,1/4) depend only on Λ. Furthermore, it follows from (2.2) that there is some C>0 depending only on Λ and δ such that


    Applying Proposition 2.3 with θ=δβ and G=χ(Ω) yields that


    Since uχ1(ζ)+ivχ1(ζ) is holomorphic and vχ1=0 at the point χ(z0)χ(B1), we obtain from the Cauchy-Riemann equations and the gradient estimate for the harmonic function uχ1(ζ) that


    Gathering the above two estimates, we obtain


    We then conclude the desired result by a covering argument.

    Theorem 1.1 is then a direct consequence of the above result.

    Proof of Theorem 1.1. We may assume that the A-harmonic conjugate v of u satisfies v(z0)=0 for some z0B1l0. Since

    ve0=(0110)Aue0=0on B1l0,

    we deduce that v=0 on B1l0. Corollary 2.4 then implies the result as claimed.

    This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.2. In general, the supremum of |u| for u solving (1.1) subject to (1.3) does not make sense, especially over sets of Hausdorff dimension less than one. We thus have to strengthen the regularity assumption on the coefficients of (1.1). In particular, if the leading coefficients is Hölder continuous, then the classical Schauder theory says that the gradients of the solutions to elliptic equations in divergence form are Hölder continuous. In order to establish the propagation of smallness for gradients of u solving (1.1) subject to (1.3) and (1.4), we will use a perturbation argument inspired by the Schauder theory. The proof presented in Subsection 3.1 below is essentially based on Proposition 2.3, the propagation of smallness for holomorphic functions.

    As for a solution of (1.2) subject to (1.3), it is straightforward to check that its gradient forms a quasiregular mapping (see Subsection 3.2 below); one may also refer to [14, §12.2] and [27, §II.1]. It then follows from the same analysis of holomorphic functions as in the previous section that Theorem 1.2 holds for solutions to (1.2) with rough coefficients.

    We are in a position to present the proof of Theorem 1.2 for the solution u of (1.1) subject to (1.3) and (1.4).

    Recall that v is the A-harmonic conjugate of u and f=u+iv. The functions u and v solve the elliptic equations (1.1) and (2.1), respectively. Without loss of generality, we may assume that


    In the light of the Hölder condition (1.4), the Schauder estimate (see for instance [14, Corollary 6.3]) implies that

    fCγ(B3/2)C. (3.1)

    Let η(0,1/4) be a constant to be determined. The unit ball B1 in the plane can be covered by Nη balls of radius η centered within B1, for some integer Nη satisfying 4/η21Nη4/η2. Therefore there exists a ball Bη(z) centered at some zB1 such that

    Hδ(Bη(z)Ω)Hδ(Ω)/Nηη2Hδ(Ω)/4. (3.2)

    By rotating and dilating the coordinates, we can assume that A(z)=I2×2. Consequently, by the Hölder condition (1.4), we know that for any ξR2 and zB2η(z),

    (1+CΛηγ)1|ξ|2A(z)ξξ(1+CΛηγ)|ξ|2, (3.3)

    where the constant CΛ>1 depends only on Λ. We are going to derive local estimates in B2η(z). Let ˆzBη(z)Ω be fixed and let ε(0,η] so that Bε(ˆz)B2η(z). By (3.1), we have


    Applying Lemma 2.2 in B2η(z), we have the representation formula f=Fχ for a holomorphic function F and a quasiconformal homeomorphism χ such that χ(z)=z. In particular, the application with the elliptic condition (3.3) yields a constant β:=(1+CΛηγ)1 ensuring the property (2.2). Hence, for any ε(0,η],


    where we set rε:=cε1/β for some constant c(0,1) depending only on Λ. By the gradient estimate for the holomorphic function, we have


    Gathering the above three estimates, we obtain


    Since 1+γ/21/β=γ/2CΛηγ, we choose η(0,1/4) such that CΛηγ=γ/2 which implies that 11/β=γ/2, and η depends only on Λ and γ. Then, taking ε:=min{η,supΩ|f|}, we deduce that for γ:=min{1γ/2,γ/2},


    Now that ˆzBη(z)Ω is arbitrary and χ(z)=z, armed with (3.2), applying Proposition 2.3 to F with G=χ(Bη(z)Ω) implies that, for some R,C>0 depending only on Λ and η,


    In view of the gradient estimate for f and (2.2) with χ(z)=z, we have


    where the constant r(0,12) depends only on Λ and γ. We thus conclude that


    Rescaling back and recalling f=u+iv, as well as the definition of v, we arrive at

    supBr(z)|u|CsupΩ(|u|+|v|)γ1+CsupB2(|u|+|v|)1+Cγ1+CCsupΩ|u|γ1+CsupB2|u|1+Cγ1+C. (3.4)

    The conclusion follows from a covering argument. More precisely, we can cover B1 by a collection of balls {Br(zk)}Nk=0, where we set z0:=z, each zkB1, and consecutive balls overlap such that |Br(zk1)Br(zk)|=|Br|/4 for 1kN. Note that NZ+ depends only on r, and hence only on Λ and γ. Given the estimate of supBr(z0)|u| from (3.4), we can propagate this bound through the chain of overlapping balls. For each 1kN, the same type of estimate as (3.4) holds as follows:


    for some C>0. This iterative process ultimately allows us to control |u(z)| for any zB1, thereby establishing the desired result.

    Let us start by reviewing some basic facts from [14, §12.2] (see also [27, §II.1]). Consider the solution u(z) of (1.2) subject to (1.3) with z=x1+ix2 for x1,x2R. Define


    Since x1q=x2p, multiplying (1.2) by x2q and x1p yields that


    Due to (1.3), we have |x1g|2+|x2g|2(1+Λ2)Jg for the Jacobian Jg:=x1qx2px2qx1p. It turns out that gH1loc(B4) is quasiregular. By the representation theorem (Lemma 2.2), we have


    where F is holomorphic in B4, and χ:B4B4 is a homeomorphism satisfying χ(0)=0 and (2.2). The argument presented in Section 2 can be thus applied in this setting. Indeed, in view of Proposition 2.3, we have


    Now that F=(x1u)χ1+i(x2u)χ1, we are able to conclude Theorem 1.2 for solutions of (1.2) subject to (1.3).

    We investigated several quantitative results on the propagation of smallness for solutions to two-dimensional elliptic equations, where the small sets may have positive δ-dimensional Hausdorff content for any δ>0.

    Our analysis began with holomorphic functions, leveraging the theory of quasiregular mappings, which connects two-dimensional elliptic equations to holomorphic functions. For equations in divergence form with Hölder continuous leading coefficients, we employed a perturbation argument to quantitatively estimate the gradient of solutions from small sets. We also established the same estimate for equations in non-divergence form even when the coefficients are merely bounded and measurable.

    Under additional structural assumptions on both the solution and the small set, we derived a propagation of smallness result for the solution itself. This analysis led to applications in control theory. Specifically, we obtained a one-dimensional spectral inequality and controllability results for heat equations with bounded measurable coefficients. Notably, these results apply to control sets with positive δ-dimensional Hausdorff content for any δ>0.

    The author declares he has not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    The author declares no conflict of interest.

    Spectral inequality and null controllability

    We briefly discuss the application of propagation of smallness, Theorem 1.1, to spectral inequalities and null controllability of heat equations with bounded measurable coefficients.

    Let T be the periodic unit interval, and the function a:TR be measurable and satisfy Λ1a(x)Λ in T for some constant Λ>1. Consider the one-dimensional eigenvalue problem

    x(a(x)xek(x))=λkek(x)in T.

    Then the family of eigenfunctions {ek(x)}kN forms an orthonormal basis of L2(T), and the family of eigenvalues {λk}kN satisfies λk0 for any kN and λk as k. Denote by Πλ the orthogonal projection onto the space spanned by {ek:λkλ}. We have the following spectral inequality.

    Proposition A.1. Let δ>0 and ωT satisfy Hδ(ω)>0. There exists some constant C>0 depending only on Λ, δ and Hδ(ω) such that for any ϕL2(T) and any λ1, we have


    Proof. We may write Πλϕ(x)=λkλϕkek(x) for ϕkR. The function


    satisfies yu(x,0)=0 and u(x,0)=Πλϕ(x) for xT, and

    x(a(x)xu)+2yu=0in T×(4,4).

    Applying Theorem 1.1 to u yields that for some constants C,α>0,


    By the Sobolev inequality and the fact that


    we have


    We then conclude the proof by gathering the above two estimates.

    The problem of null controllability of multi-dimensional heat equations with Lipschitz coefficients from open control sets has been intensively developed since [17,21]. The null controllability of one-dimensional heat equations with rough coefficients from open sets was proved in [1], and the result from sets of positive Lebesgue measure was given in [2]. Proposition A.1 would imply the result from the control set ω satisfying Hδ(ω)>0 for any fixed δ>0.

    Proposition A.2. Let T>0, δ>0, and ω be a closed subset of T with Hδ(ω)>0. For any w0L2(T), there exists a Borel measure m(t,x) supported in (0,T)×T such that the solution w(t,x) to

    tw(t,x)=x(a(x)xw(t,x))+m(t,x)1ωin (0,T)×T,

    associated with the initial data w(0,)=w0 in T, satisfies w(T,)=0 in T.

    The proof of the above result consists in the spectral inequality (Proposition A.1), the decay property of the semigroup etx(a(x)x), and the duality argument (see for instance [7, Section 5]). Since it is now quite standard to combine these ingredients, we omit the proof; one may refer to [7] for details. One is also able to generalize the null controllability result to more general one-dimensional heat equations (with lower order terms) associated with certain boundary conditions from space-time control sets; see [1,7].

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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