Research article

On the obstacle problem in fractional generalised Orlicz spaces

  • Received: 07 July 2024 Revised: 28 August 2024 Accepted: 04 September 2024 Published: 12 September 2024
  • We consider the one and the two obstacles problems for the nonlocal nonlinear anisotropic $ g $-Laplacian $ \mathcal{L}_g^s $, with $ 0 < s < 1 $. We prove the strict T-monotonicity of $ \mathcal{L}_g^s $ and we obtain the Lewy-Stampacchia inequalities $ F\leq\mathcal{L}_g^su\leq F\vee\mathcal{L}_g^s\psi $ and $ F\wedge\mathcal{L}_g^s\varphi\leq \mathcal{L}_g^su\leq F\vee\mathcal{L}_g^s\psi $, respectively, for the one obstacle solution $ u\geq\psi $ and for the two obstacles solution $ \psi\leq u\leq\varphi $, with given data $ F $. We consider the approximation of the solutions through semilinear problems, for which we prove a global $ L^\infty $-estimate, and we extend the local Hölder regularity to the solutions of the obstacle problems in the case of the fractional $ p(x, y) $-Laplacian operator. We make further remarks on a few elementary properties of related capacities in the fractional generalised Orlicz framework, with a special reference to the Hilbertian nonlinear case in fractional Sobolev spaces.

    Citation: Catharine W. K. Lo, José Francisco Rodrigues. On the obstacle problem in fractional generalised Orlicz spaces[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2024, 6(5): 676-704. doi: 10.3934/mine.2024026

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  • We consider the one and the two obstacles problems for the nonlocal nonlinear anisotropic $ g $-Laplacian $ \mathcal{L}_g^s $, with $ 0 < s < 1 $. We prove the strict T-monotonicity of $ \mathcal{L}_g^s $ and we obtain the Lewy-Stampacchia inequalities $ F\leq\mathcal{L}_g^su\leq F\vee\mathcal{L}_g^s\psi $ and $ F\wedge\mathcal{L}_g^s\varphi\leq \mathcal{L}_g^su\leq F\vee\mathcal{L}_g^s\psi $, respectively, for the one obstacle solution $ u\geq\psi $ and for the two obstacles solution $ \psi\leq u\leq\varphi $, with given data $ F $. We consider the approximation of the solutions through semilinear problems, for which we prove a global $ L^\infty $-estimate, and we extend the local Hölder regularity to the solutions of the obstacle problems in the case of the fractional $ p(x, y) $-Laplacian operator. We make further remarks on a few elementary properties of related capacities in the fractional generalised Orlicz framework, with a special reference to the Hilbertian nonlinear case in fractional Sobolev spaces.


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