In this paper, we use the maximum principle and moving frame technique to prove the global gradient estimates for the higher-order curvature equations with prescribed contact angle problems.
Citation: Bin Deng, Xinan Ma. Gradient estimates for the solutions of higher order curvature equations with prescribed contact angle[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(6): 1-13. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023093
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In this paper, we use the maximum principle and moving frame technique to prove the global gradient estimates for the higher-order curvature equations with prescribed contact angle problems.
Let Ω be a bounded C3 domain in Rn and u∈C3(¯Ω). In this paper, we will establish a priori gradient estimates for solutions of the prescribed k-curvature equation with the prescribed contact angle boundary value
{σk(κ)=f(x,u),in Ω,∂u∂ν=ϕ(x)√1+|Du|2,on ∂Ω. | (1.1) |
where κ=(κ1,⋯,κn) are the principal curvatures of the graph M={(x,u(x))∈Rn+1|x∈Ω}, n≥2, f is a smooth, positive function in Ω and ϕ is a smooth function on ¯Ω such that −1<ϕ<1. And for any k=1,2,⋯,n,
σk(λ)=∑1≤i1<i2<⋯<ik≤nλi1λi2⋯λik, | (1.2) |
the k-order fundamental symmetric function of λ∈Rn. For k=1, n, the (1.1) is the mean curvature and Gaussian curvature equation respectively.
The gradient estimate for the prescribed mean curvature equation has been extensively studied. The interior gradient estimate, for the minimal surface equation, was obtained in the case of two variables by Finn [2]. Bombieri-De Giorgi-Miranda [1] obtained the estimate for high dimensional cases. For the general mean curvature equation, such an estimate had also been obtained by Ladyzhenskaya and Ural'tseva [10], Trudinger [17] and Simon [13]. All their methods were used by test function argument and a resulting Sobolev inequality. A more detailed history could be found in Gilbarg and Trudinger [3]. In 1983, Korevaar [5] introduced the normal variation technique and got the maximum principle proof for the interior gradient estimate on the minimal surface equation, then in 1987 Korevaar [6] got the interior gradient estimates for the higher order curvature equations. Trudinger [18] also studied the curvature equations and got the interior gradient estimates for a class curvature equation. In 1998, Wang [19] gave new proof for the interior gradient estimates on the general k-curvature equation via the standard Bernstein technique. In 2012, Sheng-Trudinger-Wang [16] also gave a new proof for the general Weingarten curvatures equation by the moving frame on the hypersurface.
For the mean curvature equation with the Neumann boundary value problem, Ma and Xu [11] used the technique developed by Spruck [14], Lieberman [7], Wang [19] and Jin-Li-Li [4] to get the global gradient estimates. As a consequence, they obtained an existence theorem for a class of mean curvature equations with the Neumann boundary value. For a fully nonlinear elliptic equation with Neumann boundary value or oblique derivative problem, we recommend Lieberman [8] to readers. Recently, Ma and Wang [12] used the technique developed by Sheng-Trudinger-Wang [16] to give a simpler new proof of the gradient estimates for the mean curvature equation with Neumann boundary value and prescribed contact angle boundary value. In this paper, we use the same technique to get the global gradient estimates for the k-curvature equation with the prescribed contact angle boundary value. Precisely, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1. Let Ω⊂Rn be a bounded domain with a C3 boundary, n≥2, ν is the unit inner normal to ∂Ω. Suppose f∈C1(¯Ω×[−M0,M0]) satisfies that fz≥0 with infΩf≥f0>0, and ϕ∈C3(¯Ω) and −1<ϕ<1. If u∈C2(¯Ω)∩C3(Ω) is a bounded k-admissible solution of the k-curvature equation (1.1), then we have
sup¯Ω|Du|≤C, | (1.3) |
where C is a positive constant depending on n, k,f0, Ω, |f|C1(¯Ω×[−M0,M0]), |ϕ|C3(¯Ω), and M0=|u|C0(¯Ω).
Remark 1.2. We define the Garding's cone as Γk={λ∈Rn|σi(λ)>0, 1≤i≤k}. Then we say a function u is k-admissible if λ(D2u)∈Γk, where λ(D2u)=(λ1,⋯,λn) are eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix D2u.
Remark 1.3. In order to prove the existence theorem for the k-curvature equations with the prescribed contact angle boundary value problem, we still need global estimates for second-order derivatives. In another paper, we had gotten the global gradient estimates for the k-curvature equation with the Neumann boundary value problem.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first give the definitions and some notations. We also give some basic properties of the fundamental symmetric functions. In Section 3, we prove the main Theorem 1.1 by the moving frame on the hypersurface.
A, B, ⋯ will be from 1 to n+1 and i, j, α, ⋯ from 1 to n, the repeated indices denote summation over the indices.
Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rn and u∈C∞(¯Ω). Then the graph of u is a hypersurface in Rn+1, denoted by M, given by the smooth embedding X:Ω→Rn+1,
X(x1,⋯,xn)=(x1,⋯,xn,u(x1,⋯,xn)). | (2.1) |
Denote ui=uxi, uij=uxixj, and Du=(u1,⋯,un). Then the downward unit normal of M is
N=(Du,−1)√1+|Du|2. | (2.2) |
Let {ε1,ε2,⋯,εn+1} be the standard orthonormal basis in Rn+1. We choose an orthonormal frame in Rn+1 such that {e1,e2,...,en} are tangent to M and en+1=N is the downward unit normal. Let the corresponding coframe be denoted by {ωA} and the connection forms by {ωA,B}. The pullback of them through the embedding are still denoted by {ωA}, {ωA,B} in the abuse of notation. Therefore on M
ωn+1=0. |
The second fundamental form is defined by the symmetry matrix {hij} with
ωi,n+1=hijωj. | (2.3) |
The principal curvatures κ=(κ1,κ2,⋯,κn) are the eigenvalues of the second fundamental form (hij).
The first and second-order covariant derivatives will be denoted by ∇i, ∇i∇j respectively. We recall the following fundamental formulas of a hypersurface in Rn+1.
∇j∇iX=∇jei=−hijen+1,(Gauss formula) | (2.4) |
∇ien+1= hijej.(Weingarten equation) | (2.5) |
We denote
d(x)=dist(x,∂Ω),Ωμ={x∈Ω| d(x)<μ}. |
It is well known that there exists a small positive universal constant μ0 such that d(x)∈C3(¯Ωμ), ∀0<μ≤μ0, provided ∂Ω∈C3. As in Simon-Spruck [15] or Lieberman [7] (on page 331), we can extend ν by ν=Dd in Ωμ and note that ν is a C3(¯Ωμ) vector field. As mentioned in the book [7], we also have the following formulas
|Dν|+|D2ν|≤C(n,Ω),in Ωμ,n∑i=1νiDjνi=n∑i=1νiDiνj=n∑i=1didij=0, |ν|=|Dd|=1,in Ωμ. | (2.6) |
Lemma 2.1. Denote v=√1+|Du|2 and eBA=⟨eA,εB⟩ for A,B=1,⋯,n+1. We have
∇iv= v2hir∇ru, | (2.7) |
∇j∇iv= 2v3hjr∇ruhis∇su+v2∇rhij∇ru+vhirhjr, | (2.8) |
∇iur= vhis(ur∇su+ers), | (2.9) |
∇j∇iur= 2v2hjp∇puhiq(ur∇qu+erq)+v∇phij(ur∇pu+erp). | (2.10) |
Proof. Note that u=⟨X,εn+1⟩. Using the Gauss formula and Weingarten equation above, we obtain
∇iv= ∇i(−1⟨en+1,εn+1⟩)= 1⟨en+1,εn+1⟩2∇i⟨en+1,εn+1⟩= v2hil⟨el,εn+1⟩= v2hil∇lu. |
Similarly, we have
∇j∇iv= ∇j(v2hil⟨el,εn+1⟩)= 2v3hjr∇ruhis∇su+v2∇rhij∇ru+vhirhjr |
It follows that, recall ul=v⟨en+1,εl⟩=veln+1,
∇iul= ∇i(v⟨en+1,εl⟩)=v2hir∇rueln+1+vhirelr= vhir(ul∇ru+elr). |
Furthermore, we have
∇j∇iul= ∇j(vhir(ul∇ru+elr))= v2hjs∇suhir(ul∇ru+elr)+v∇jhir(ul∇ru+elr) +vhir(ul∇j∇ru+v∇ruhjs(ul∇su+els)+∇jelr), |
noting that
∇jelr=−hjreln+1=−ul⟨∇j∇rX,εn+1⟩=−ul∇j∇ru, |
then, since ∇jhir=∇rhij (Codazzi equation),
∇j∇iul=2v2hjs∇suhir(ul∇ru+elr)+v∇rhij(ul∇ru+elr). |
Now we give some basic properties of elementary symmetric functions, which could be found in [9].
First, we denote by σk(λ|i) the symmetric function with λi=0 and σk(λ|ij) the symmetric function with λi=λj=0.
Proposition 2.2. Let λ=(λ1,⋯,λn)∈Rn and k=1,⋯,n, then
σk(λ)=σk(λ|i)+λiσk−1(λ|i),∀1≤i≤n, n∑i=1λiσk−1(λ|i)=kσk(λ), n∑i=1σk(λ|i)=(n−k)σk(λ). |
Recall that Garding's cone is defined as
Γk={λ∈Rn:σi>0,∀ 1≤i≤k}. |
Proposition 2.3. Let λ∈Γk and k∈{1,2,⋯,n}. Suppose that
λ1≥⋯≥λk≥⋯≥λn, |
then we have
σk−1(λ|n)≥⋯≥σk−1(λ|k)≥⋯≥σk−1(λ|1)>0. | (2.11) |
Then the k-curvature equation (1.1) is elliptic if the principal curvatures κ∈Γk.
We consider the following k-curvature equation with the prescribed angle condition and obtain a gradient estimate of k-admissible solution. We state it again in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.1. Let Ω⊂Rn be a bounded domain with C3 boundary. f∈C1(Ω×[−M0,M0]) satisfies that fz≥0. Assume u is a k-admissible solution of the equation
{σk(hij)=f(x,u),in Ω∂u∂ν=ϕ(x)√1+|Du|2,on ∂Ω, | (3.1) |
where ν be the unit inner normal vector on ∂Ω and ϕ∈C3(ˉΩ,(−1,1)). We have
sup¯Ω|Du|≤C. | (3.2) |
Proof. Denote v=√1+|Du|2 and M0=sup¯Ω|u|. Let
w:= v−uνϕ, | (3.3) |
ψ(u):= α1(1+M0+u). | (3.4) |
The constant α1 will be determined later. Fix a small 0<μ≤μ0 and consider the auxiliary function
G(x):=loglogw+ψ(u)+d,x∈¯Ωμ. | (3.5) |
There are three cases to be considered.
Case 1. G(x) attains maximum at x0∈∂Ωμ∩Ω.
By the interior gradient estimates of Korevaar [6] and Wang [19], we have
sup¯Ω|Du|≤C. | (3.6) |
Case 2. G(x) attains maximum at x0∈∂Ω.
Assume U⊂Rn be a neighborhood of x0. We choose a geodesic coordinate {xi}n−1i on U∩∂Ω centered at x0. We let ∂xn=ν at x0. In the following, we take all calculations at x0.
Denote (bij) the second fundamental form of ∂Ω with respect to ν. We have
Gn=wnwlogw+α1un+1≤0, | (3.7) |
Gj=wjwlogw+α1uj=0,j=1,2,⋯,n−1. | (3.8) |
Denote a=wlogw for simplicity. Note that
un= ϕv, | (3.9) |
wl= vl−unlϕ−unϕl,l=1,2,⋯,n, | (3.10) |
vn= 1vn−1∑i=1uiuin+ununnv= 1vn−1∑i=1uiuin+ϕunn. | (3.11) |
Choose l=n in (3.10), then plug into (3.11) to get
wn= 1vn−1∑i=1uiuin−unϕn= 1vn−1∑i=1uiuni−1vn−1∑i=1uibijuj−vϕϕn≥ 1vn−1∑i=1uiuni−Cv. | (3.12) |
By (3.8) and (3.10),
vi=uniϕ+unϕi−α1aui. | (3.13) |
From the boundary data un=ϕv and (3.13), we have
uni=(ϕv)i= ϕiv+viϕ= ϕiv−α1auiϕ+uniϕ2+unϕiϕ. | (3.14) |
It follows that
uni= 11−ϕ2(ϕiv−α1auiϕ+vϕiϕ2)≥ −α1aϕui1−ϕ2−Cv. | (3.15) |
Plugging (3.15) into (3.12), we get
wn≥ −α1aϕ(1−ϕ2)vn−1∑i=1u2i−Cv= α1aϕ(1−ϕ2)v−α1aϕv−Cv. | (3.16) |
Here we use the fact
v2−1=n−1∑i=1u2i+u2n=n−1∑i=1u2i+v2ϕ2at x0∈∂Ω. | (3.17) |
Putting (3.17) into (3.7), we have
0≥ −α1ϕv+α1ϕ(1−ϕ2)v−Cvwlogw+α1un+1= α1ϕ(1−ϕ2)v−Cvwlogw+1. | (3.18) |
Thus we have v≤C.
Case 3. G(x) attains its maximum at x0∈Ωμ.
Direct computation shows that
∇iG=∇iwwlogw+α1∇iu+∇id, | (3.19) |
∇j∇iG= ∇j∇iwwlogw−∇iw∇jw(wlogw)2(1+logw)+α1∇j∇iu+∇j∇id. | (3.20) |
From (2.7)–(2.10) and (3.3), we have
∇iw= ∇i(v−urdrϕ)= v2hir∇ru−vhis(ur∇su+ers)drϕ−ur∇i(drϕ)= v(v−urdrϕ)hir∇ru−vhir∇rdϕ−ur∇i(drϕ)= vwhir∇ru−vhir∇rdϕ−ur∇i(drϕ), | (3.21) |
∇j∇iw= ∇j∇iv−∇j∇iurdrϕ−∇iur∇j(drϕ)−∇jur∇i(drϕ) −ur∇j∇i(drϕ)= 2v3hjr∇ruhis∇su+v2∇rhij∇ru+vhirhjr −2v2hjp∇puhiq(ur∇qu+erq)drϕ−v∇phij(ur∇pu+erp)drϕ −vhis(ur∇su+ers)∇j(drϕ)−vhjs(ur∇su+ers)∇i(drϕ)−ur∇j∇i(drϕ)= 2v2whjr∇ruhis∇su+vw∇rhij∇ru+vhirhjr −2v2hjp∇puhiq∇qdϕ−v∇phij∇pdϕ −vhis(ur∇su+ers)∇j(drϕ)−vhjs(ur∇su+ers)∇i(drϕ)−ur∇j∇i(drϕ). | (3.22) |
By selecting a suitable moving frame, we assume (hij) is diagonal at x0. At the maximum point x0∈Ωμ, from (3.19) and ∇G=0, we see that
−∇iwwlogw=α1∇iu+∇id. | (3.23) |
Together with (3.21), we also have
−wlogw(α1∇iu+∇id)=vwhii∇iu−vhii∇idϕ−ur∇i(drϕ). | (3.24) |
We divide the indexes i∈I={1,2,⋯,n} into two subsets as follows.
J={i∈I:|α1∇iu|≤9}, | (3.25) |
K=I∖J={i∈I:|α1∇iu|>9}. | (3.26) |
For i∈J, recall |∇d|≤1,
|α1∇iu+∇id|2≤100. | (3.27) |
For i∈K, we have
α1|∇iu|>45|α1∇iu+∇id|>6, | (3.28) |
Now we assume v, w large enough, i.e., v≥max{α1ϵ,exp2ϵ}, then
|vhii∇idϕ||≤ϵ|vwhii∇iu|, | (3.29) |
|ur∇i(drϕ)|≤ϵwlogw|α1∇iu+∇id|, | (3.30) |
for a small positive number ϵ. Then, using (3.24), we get
hii≤0,for i∈K, | (3.31) |
1+ϵlogwv|hii∇iu|≥(1−ϵ)|α1∇iu+∇id|. | (3.32) |
Thus, plugging (3.28) into (3.32), we have
−α1vhii|∇iu|2≥3logw4|α1∇iu+∇id|2,for i∈K, | (3.33) |
provided we set ϵ=1100.
By the maximum principle, by (3.20), we have
0≥ Fij∇j∇iG= 1wlogwFii∇i∇iw−1+logw(wlogw)2Fii|∇iw|2+α1Fii∇i∇iu+Fii∇i∇id≥ 1wlogwFii∇i∇iw−9logw8Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2+α1fv−CF. | (3.34) |
We use the fact ∇i∇ju=hijv in the last inequality and assume v large.
From (3.22) we obtain
Fii∇i∇iw= 2v2wFiih2ii|∇iu|2+vwFii∇rhii∇ru+vFiih2ii−2v2Fiih2ii∇iu∇idϕ −vFii∇rhij∇rdϕ−2vFiihii(∇iuur+eri)∇i(drϕ)−urFii∇j∇i(drϕ)= 2vFiihii∇iu(vwhii∇ru−vhii∇idϕ−ur∇i(drϕ))+vFiih2ii +vw⟨∇f,∇u⟩+vwfz|∇u|2−vϕ⟨∇f,∇d⟩ −2vFiihiieri∇i(drϕ)−urFii∇j∇i(drϕ). | (3.35) |
By (3.24), fz≥0, |⟨∇f,∇u⟩|≤|Df|v, and the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, we have
Fii∇i∇iw= −2vwlogwFiihii∇iu(α1∇iu+∇id)+vFiih2ii +vw⟨∇f,∇u>−vϕ⟨∇f,∇d>−2vFiihiieri∇i(drϕ)−urFii∇j∇i(drϕ)≥ −2α1vwlogwFiihii|∇iu|2−2vwlogwFiihii∇iu∇id+vFiih2ii −2vFiihiieri∇i(drϕ)−Cv(1+F)≥ −2α1vwlogwFiihii|∇iu|2−2vwlogwFiihii∇iu∇id+vFiih2ii −ϵ1vFiih2ii−Cvϵ1F−Cv(1+F). | (3.36) |
Multiplying ∇id with both sides of (3.24), we have
−wlogw(α1∇iu+∇id)∇id=vwhii∇iu∇id−vhii|∇id|2ϕ−ur∇i(drϕ)∇id. |
It follows that, by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality,
2vwFiihii∇iu∇id= 2ϕvFiihii|∇id|2+2Fiiur∇i(drϕ)∇id −2wlogwFii(α1∇iu+∇id)∇id≥ −ϵ1vlogwFiih2ii–ϕ2ϵ1logwF−CvF −ϵ2wlogwFii(α1∇iu+∇id)2−wlogwϵ2F. | (3.37) |
Similarly, multiplying ∇iu with both sides of (3.24), we have
−wlogw(α1∇iu+∇id)∇iu=vwhii|∇iu|2−vhii∇id∇iuϕ−ur∇i(drϕ)∇iu. |
By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, recall |α1∇iu|≤9, for i∈J,
−∑i∈J2α1vwFiihii|∇iu|2= −∑i∈J2α1ϕvFiihii∇id∇iu−∑i∈J2α1Fiiur∇i(drϕ)∇iu +∑i∈J2α1wlogwFii(α1∇iu+∇id)∇iu≥ −ϵ1vlogwFiih2ii–81ϕ2ϵ1logwF−CvF −ϵ2wlogwFii(α1∇iu+∇id)2−81wlogwϵ2F. | (3.38) |
Here we point out that C is independent of α1.
Plugging (3.37) and (3.38) into (3.36), we have
Fii∇i∇iw≥ −∑i∈K2α1vwlogwFiihii|∇iu|2+v(1−3ϵ1)Fiih2ii−82ϕ2ϵ1|logw|2F −2ϵ2w|logw|2Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2−82w|logw|2ϵ2F−CvlogwF Cvϵ1F−Cv(1+F). | (3.39) |
Set ϵ1=13, ϵ2=116, and assume v is sufficiently large, then
Fii∇i∇iw≥ −2α1vwlogwFiihii|∇iu|2−18w|logw|2Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2 −Cw|logw|2F, | (3.40) |
Putting (3.40) into (3.34), we get
0≥ Fij∇j∇iG≥ −∑i∈K2α1vFiihii|∇iu|2−5logw4Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2 −ClogwF−CF. | (3.41) |
In view of (3.28), we see that
−∑i∈I5logw4Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2≥ −∑i∈K5logw4Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2 −ClogwF. | (3.42) |
On the other hand, by (3.31) and (3.33),
−∑i∈K2α1vFiihii|∇iu|2≥ ∑i∈K6logw4Fii(α1∇iu+∇id)2. | (3.43) |
Particularly, there is i0∈K, say i0=1, such that |∇1u|≥12√n and F11≥1nF.
Plugging (3.42) and (3.43) into (3.41) and choosing α1=max{4√n,16nC}, we have
0≥ logw4F11(α1∇1u+∇1d)2−ClogwF−CF≥ (α21logw128n2−C)F. | (3.44) |
Thus we have (1−|ϕ|)v≤w≤exp128n2Cα21 and finish the proof.
The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.
The research of the first author was supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2022M722474. The research of the second author was supported by NSFC 12141105, NSFC 11871255 and National Key Research and Development Project SQ2020YFA070080.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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1. | Julie Clutterbuck, Jiakun Liu, Preface to the Special Issue: Nonlinear PDEs and geometric analysis – Dedicated to Neil Trudinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 2023, 5, 2640-3501, 1, 10.3934/mine.2023095 |