Research article Special Issues

Half-harmonic gradient flow: aspects of a non-local geometric PDE

  • Received: 16 December 2021 Revised: 13 October 2022 Accepted: 17 October 2022 Published: 07 November 2022
  • The goal of this paper is to discuss some of the results in the author's previous papers and expand upon the work there by proving two new results: a global weak existence result as well as a first bubbling analysis for the half-harmonic gradient flow in finite time. In addition, an alternative local existence proof to the one provided in [47] is presented based on a fixed-point argument. This preliminary bubbling analysis leads to two potential outcomes for the possibility of finite-time bubbling until a conjecture by Sire, Wei and Zheng, see [40], is settled: Either there always exists a global smooth solution to the half-harmonic gradient flow without concentration of energy in finite-time, which still allows for the formation of half-harmonic bubbles as $ t \to +\infty $, or finite-time bubbling may occur in a similar way as for the harmonic gradient flow due to energy concentration in finitely many points. In the first part of the introduction to this paper, we provide a survey of the theory of harmonic and fractional harmonic maps and the associated gradient flows. For clarity's sake, we restrict our attention to the case of spherical target manifolds $ S^{n-1} $, but our discussion extends to the general case after taking care of technicalities associated with arbitrary closed target manifolds $ N $ (cf. [48]).

    Citation: Jerome D. Wettstein. Half-harmonic gradient flow: aspects of a non-local geometric PDE[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(3): 1-38. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023058

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  • The goal of this paper is to discuss some of the results in the author's previous papers and expand upon the work there by proving two new results: a global weak existence result as well as a first bubbling analysis for the half-harmonic gradient flow in finite time. In addition, an alternative local existence proof to the one provided in [47] is presented based on a fixed-point argument. This preliminary bubbling analysis leads to two potential outcomes for the possibility of finite-time bubbling until a conjecture by Sire, Wei and Zheng, see [40], is settled: Either there always exists a global smooth solution to the half-harmonic gradient flow without concentration of energy in finite-time, which still allows for the formation of half-harmonic bubbles as $ t \to +\infty $, or finite-time bubbling may occur in a similar way as for the harmonic gradient flow due to energy concentration in finitely many points. In the first part of the introduction to this paper, we provide a survey of the theory of harmonic and fractional harmonic maps and the associated gradient flows. For clarity's sake, we restrict our attention to the case of spherical target manifolds $ S^{n-1} $, but our discussion extends to the general case after taking care of technicalities associated with arbitrary closed target manifolds $ N $ (cf. [48]).


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