Research article

On symmetry of energy minimizing harmonic-type maps on cylindrical surfaces

  • Received: 16 October 2021 Revised: 06 September 2022 Accepted: 02 October 2022 Published: 25 October 2022
  • The paper concerns the analysis of global minimizers of a Dirichlet-type energy functional in the class of $ \mathbb{S}^2 $-valued maps defined in cylindrical surfaces. The model naturally arises as a curved thin-film limit in the theories of nematic liquid crystals and micromagnetics. We show that minimal configurations are $ z $-invariant and that energy minimizers in the class of weakly axially symmetric competitors are, in fact, axially symmetric. Our main result is a family of sharp Poincaré-type inequality on the circular cylinder, which allows for establishing a nearly complete picture of the energy landscape. The presence of symmetry-breaking phenomena is highlighted and discussed. Finally, we provide a complete characterization of in-plane minimizers, which typically appear in numerical simulations for reasons we explain.

    Citation: Giovanni Di Fratta, Alberto Fiorenza, Valeriy Slastikov. On symmetry of energy minimizing harmonic-type maps on cylindrical surfaces[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(3): 1-38. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023056

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  • The paper concerns the analysis of global minimizers of a Dirichlet-type energy functional in the class of $ \mathbb{S}^2 $-valued maps defined in cylindrical surfaces. The model naturally arises as a curved thin-film limit in the theories of nematic liquid crystals and micromagnetics. We show that minimal configurations are $ z $-invariant and that energy minimizers in the class of weakly axially symmetric competitors are, in fact, axially symmetric. Our main result is a family of sharp Poincaré-type inequality on the circular cylinder, which allows for establishing a nearly complete picture of the energy landscape. The presence of symmetry-breaking phenomena is highlighted and discussed. Finally, we provide a complete characterization of in-plane minimizers, which typically appear in numerical simulations for reasons we explain.


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