Review Special Issues

Use of plant growth-promoting bacteria to facilitate phytoremediation

  • Received: 08 March 2024 Revised: 31 May 2024 Accepted: 04 June 2024 Published: 12 June 2024
  • Here, phytoremediation studies of toxic metal and organic compounds using plants augmented with plant growth-promoting bacteria, published in the past few years, were summarized and reviewed. These studies complemented and extended the many earlier studies in this area of research. The studies summarized here employed a wide range of non-agricultural plants including various grasses indigenous to regions of the world. The plant growth-promoting bacteria used a range of different known mechanisms to promote plant growth in the presence of metallic and/or organic toxicants and thereby improve the phytoremediation ability of most plants. Both rhizosphere and endophyte PGPB strains have been found to be effective within various phytoremediation schemes. Consortia consisting of several PGPB were often more effective than individual PGPB in assisting phytoremediation in the presence of metallic and/or organic environmental contaminants.

    Citation: Elisa Gamalero, Bernard R. Glick. Use of plant growth-promoting bacteria to facilitate phytoremediation[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2024, 10(2): 415-448. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2024021

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  • Here, phytoremediation studies of toxic metal and organic compounds using plants augmented with plant growth-promoting bacteria, published in the past few years, were summarized and reviewed. These studies complemented and extended the many earlier studies in this area of research. The studies summarized here employed a wide range of non-agricultural plants including various grasses indigenous to regions of the world. The plant growth-promoting bacteria used a range of different known mechanisms to promote plant growth in the presence of metallic and/or organic toxicants and thereby improve the phytoremediation ability of most plants. Both rhizosphere and endophyte PGPB strains have been found to be effective within various phytoremediation schemes. Consortia consisting of several PGPB were often more effective than individual PGPB in assisting phytoremediation in the presence of metallic and/or organic environmental contaminants.





    plant growth-promoting bacteria


    indole 3-acetic acid


    polychlorinated biphenyls


    polyaromatic hydrocarbons


    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Author contributions

    Both the authors cooperated in conceptualization, methodology, investigation, writing review and editing.

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