Research article

HPCDNet: Hybrid position coding and dual-frquency domain transform network for low-light image enhancement

  • Received: 25 September 2023 Revised: 20 December 2023 Accepted: 25 December 2023 Published: 05 January 2024
  • Low-light image enhancement (LLIE) improves lighting to obtain natural normal-light images from images captured under poor illumination. However, existing LLIE methods do not effectively utilize positional and frequency domain image information. To address this limitation, we proposed an end-to-end low-light image enhancement network called HPCDNet. HPCDNet uniquely integrates a hybrid positional coding technique into the self-attention mechanism by appending hybrid positional codes to the query and key, which better retains spatial positional information in the image. The hybrid positional coding can adaptively emphasize important local structures to improve modeling of spatial dependencies within low-light images. Meanwhile, frequency domain image information lost under low-light is recovered via discrete wavelet and cosine transforms. The resulting two frequency domain feature types are weighted and merged using a dual-attention module. More effective use of frequency domain information enhances the network's ability to recreate details, improving visual quality of enhanced low-light images. Experiments demonstrated that our approach can heighten visibility, contrast and color properties of low-light images while better preserving details and textures than previous techniques.

    Citation: Mingju Chen, Hongyang Li, Hongming Peng, Xingzhong Xiong, Ning Long. HPCDNet: Hybrid position coding and dual-frquency domain transform network for low-light image enhancement[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 1917-1937. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024085

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  • Low-light image enhancement (LLIE) improves lighting to obtain natural normal-light images from images captured under poor illumination. However, existing LLIE methods do not effectively utilize positional and frequency domain image information. To address this limitation, we proposed an end-to-end low-light image enhancement network called HPCDNet. HPCDNet uniquely integrates a hybrid positional coding technique into the self-attention mechanism by appending hybrid positional codes to the query and key, which better retains spatial positional information in the image. The hybrid positional coding can adaptively emphasize important local structures to improve modeling of spatial dependencies within low-light images. Meanwhile, frequency domain image information lost under low-light is recovered via discrete wavelet and cosine transforms. The resulting two frequency domain feature types are weighted and merged using a dual-attention module. More effective use of frequency domain information enhances the network's ability to recreate details, improving visual quality of enhanced low-light images. Experiments demonstrated that our approach can heighten visibility, contrast and color properties of low-light images while better preserving details and textures than previous techniques.


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