Research article

Image classification of hyperspectral remote sensing using semi-supervised learning algorithm

  • Received: 04 February 2023 Revised: 31 March 2023 Accepted: 12 April 2023 Published: 04 May 2023
  • Hyperspectral images contain abundant spectral and spatial information of the surface of the earth, but there are more difficulties in processing, analyzing, and sample-labeling these hyperspectral images. In this paper, local binary pattern (LBP), sparse representation and mixed logistic regression model are introduced to propose a sample labeling method based on neighborhood information and priority classifier discrimination. A new hyperspectral remote sensing image classification method based on texture features and semi-supervised learning is implemented. The LBP is employed to extract features of spatial texture information from remote sensing images and enrich the feature information of samples. The multivariate logistic regression model is used to select the unlabeled samples with the largest amount of information, and the unlabeled samples with neighborhood information and priority classifier discrimination are selected to obtain the pseudo-labeled samples after learning. By making full use of the advantages of sparse representation and mixed logistic regression model, a new classification method based on semi-supervised learning is proposed to effectively achieve accurate classification of hyperspectral images. The data of Indian Pines, Salinas scene and Pavia University are selected to verify the validity of the proposed method. The experiment results have demonstrated that the proposed classification method is able to gain a higher classification accuracy, a stronger timeliness, and the generalization ability.

    Citation: Ansheng Ye, Xiangbing Zhou, Kai Weng, Yu Gong, Fang Miao, Huimin Zhao. Image classification of hyperspectral remote sensing using semi-supervised learning algorithm[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 11502-11527. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023510

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  • Hyperspectral images contain abundant spectral and spatial information of the surface of the earth, but there are more difficulties in processing, analyzing, and sample-labeling these hyperspectral images. In this paper, local binary pattern (LBP), sparse representation and mixed logistic regression model are introduced to propose a sample labeling method based on neighborhood information and priority classifier discrimination. A new hyperspectral remote sensing image classification method based on texture features and semi-supervised learning is implemented. The LBP is employed to extract features of spatial texture information from remote sensing images and enrich the feature information of samples. The multivariate logistic regression model is used to select the unlabeled samples with the largest amount of information, and the unlabeled samples with neighborhood information and priority classifier discrimination are selected to obtain the pseudo-labeled samples after learning. By making full use of the advantages of sparse representation and mixed logistic regression model, a new classification method based on semi-supervised learning is proposed to effectively achieve accurate classification of hyperspectral images. The data of Indian Pines, Salinas scene and Pavia University are selected to verify the validity of the proposed method. The experiment results have demonstrated that the proposed classification method is able to gain a higher classification accuracy, a stronger timeliness, and the generalization ability.


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