Research article Special Issues

Facial expression recognition using lightweight deep learning modeling

  • Received: 30 December 2022 Revised: 05 February 2023 Accepted: 09 February 2023 Published: 27 February 2023
  • Facial expression is a type of communication and is useful in many areas of computer vision, including intelligent visual surveillance, human-robot interaction and human behavior analysis. A deep learning approach is presented to classify happy, sad, angry, fearful, contemptuous, surprised and disgusted expressions. Accurate detection and classification of human facial expression is a critical task in image processing due to the inconsistencies amid the complexity, including change in illumination, occlusion, noise and the over-fitting problem. A stacked sparse auto-encoder for facial expression recognition (SSAE-FER) is used for unsupervised pre-training and supervised fine-tuning. SSAE-FER automatically extracts features from input images, and the softmax classifier is used to classify the expressions. Our method achieved an accuracy of 92.50% on the JAFFE dataset and 99.30% on the CK+ dataset. SSAE-FER performs well compared to the other comparative methods in the same domain.

    Citation: Mubashir Ahmad, Saira, Omar Alfandi, Asad Masood Khattak, Syed Furqan Qadri, Iftikhar Ahmed Saeed, Salabat Khan, Bashir Hayat, Arshad Ahmad. Facial expression recognition using lightweight deep learning modeling[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 8208-8225. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023357

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  • Facial expression is a type of communication and is useful in many areas of computer vision, including intelligent visual surveillance, human-robot interaction and human behavior analysis. A deep learning approach is presented to classify happy, sad, angry, fearful, contemptuous, surprised and disgusted expressions. Accurate detection and classification of human facial expression is a critical task in image processing due to the inconsistencies amid the complexity, including change in illumination, occlusion, noise and the over-fitting problem. A stacked sparse auto-encoder for facial expression recognition (SSAE-FER) is used for unsupervised pre-training and supervised fine-tuning. SSAE-FER automatically extracts features from input images, and the softmax classifier is used to classify the expressions. Our method achieved an accuracy of 92.50% on the JAFFE dataset and 99.30% on the CK+ dataset. SSAE-FER performs well compared to the other comparative methods in the same domain.


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