Research article Special Issues

The role of geometric features in a germinal center

  • Received: 02 April 2022 Revised: 27 May 2022 Accepted: 30 May 2022 Published: 08 June 2022
  • The germinal center (GC) is a self-organizing structure produced in the lymphoid follicle during the T-dependent immune response and is an important component of the humoral immune system. However, the impact of the special structure of GC on antibody production is not clear. According to the latest biological experiments, we establish a spatiotemporal stochastic model to simulate the whole self-organization process of the GC including the appearance of two specific zones: the dark zone (DZ) and the light zone (LZ), the development of which serves to maintain an effective competition among different cells and promote affinity maturation. A phase transition is discovered in this process, which determines the critical GC volume for a successful growth in both the stochastic and the deterministic model. Further increase of the volume does not make much improvement on the performance. It is found that the critical volume is determined by the distance between the activated B cell receptor (BCR) and the target epitope of the antigen in the shape space. The observation is confirmed in both 2D and 3D simulations and explains partly the variability of the observed GC size.

    Citation: Zishuo Yan, Hai Qi, Yueheng Lan. The role of geometric features in a germinal center[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(8): 8304-8333. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022387

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  • The germinal center (GC) is a self-organizing structure produced in the lymphoid follicle during the T-dependent immune response and is an important component of the humoral immune system. However, the impact of the special structure of GC on antibody production is not clear. According to the latest biological experiments, we establish a spatiotemporal stochastic model to simulate the whole self-organization process of the GC including the appearance of two specific zones: the dark zone (DZ) and the light zone (LZ), the development of which serves to maintain an effective competition among different cells and promote affinity maturation. A phase transition is discovered in this process, which determines the critical GC volume for a successful growth in both the stochastic and the deterministic model. Further increase of the volume does not make much improvement on the performance. It is found that the critical volume is determined by the distance between the activated B cell receptor (BCR) and the target epitope of the antigen in the shape space. The observation is confirmed in both 2D and 3D simulations and explains partly the variability of the observed GC size.


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