Research article Special Issues

Bifurcation analysis and optimal control of SEIR epidemic model with saturated treatment function on the network

  • Received: 05 October 2021 Accepted: 09 November 2021 Published: 14 December 2021
  • In order to study the impact of limited medical resources and population heterogeneity on disease transmission, a SEIR model based on a complex network with saturation processing function is proposed. This paper first proved that a backward bifurcation occurs under certain conditions, which means that $ R_{0} < 1 $ is not enough to eradicate this disease from the population. However, if the direction is positive, we find that within a certain parameter range, there may be multiple equilibrium points near $ R_{0} = 1 $. Secondly, the influence of population heterogeneity on virus transmission is analyzed, and the optimal control theory is used to further study the time-varying control of the disease. Finally, numerical simulations verify the stability of the system and the effectiveness of the optimal control strategy.

    Citation: Boli Xie, Maoxing Liu, Lei Zhang. Bifurcation analysis and optimal control of SEIR epidemic model with saturated treatment function on the network[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(2): 1677-1696. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022079

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  • In order to study the impact of limited medical resources and population heterogeneity on disease transmission, a SEIR model based on a complex network with saturation processing function is proposed. This paper first proved that a backward bifurcation occurs under certain conditions, which means that $ R_{0} < 1 $ is not enough to eradicate this disease from the population. However, if the direction is positive, we find that within a certain parameter range, there may be multiple equilibrium points near $ R_{0} = 1 $. Secondly, the influence of population heterogeneity on virus transmission is analyzed, and the optimal control theory is used to further study the time-varying control of the disease. Finally, numerical simulations verify the stability of the system and the effectiveness of the optimal control strategy.


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