Research article Special Issues

An improved pix2pix model based on Gabor filter for robust color image rendering

  • Received: 02 September 2021 Accepted: 27 October 2021 Published: 08 November 2021
  • In recent years, with the development of deep learning, image color rendering method has become a research hotspot once again. To overcome the detail problems of color overstepping and boundary blurring in the robust image color rendering method, as well as the problems of unstable training based on generative adversarial networks, we propose an color rendering method using Gabor filter based improved pix2pix for robust image. Firstly, the multi-direction/multi-scale selection characteristic of Gabor filter is used to preprocess the image to be rendered, which can retain the detailed features of the image while preprocessing to avoid the loss of features. Moreover, among the Gabor texture feature maps with 6 scales and 4 directions, the texture map with the scale of 7 and the direction of 0° has the comparable rendering performance. Finally, by improving the loss function of pix2pix model and adding the penalty term, not only the training can be stabilized, but also the ideal color image can be obtained. To reflect image color rendering quality of different models more objectively, PSNR and SSIM indexes are adopted to evaluate the rendered images. The experimental results of the proposed method show that the robust image rendered by this method has better visual performance and reduces the influence of light and noise on the image to a certain extent.

    Citation: Hong-an Li, Min Zhang, Zhenhua Yu, Zhanli Li, Na Li. An improved pix2pix model based on Gabor filter for robust color image rendering[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(1): 86-101. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022004

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  • In recent years, with the development of deep learning, image color rendering method has become a research hotspot once again. To overcome the detail problems of color overstepping and boundary blurring in the robust image color rendering method, as well as the problems of unstable training based on generative adversarial networks, we propose an color rendering method using Gabor filter based improved pix2pix for robust image. Firstly, the multi-direction/multi-scale selection characteristic of Gabor filter is used to preprocess the image to be rendered, which can retain the detailed features of the image while preprocessing to avoid the loss of features. Moreover, among the Gabor texture feature maps with 6 scales and 4 directions, the texture map with the scale of 7 and the direction of 0° has the comparable rendering performance. Finally, by improving the loss function of pix2pix model and adding the penalty term, not only the training can be stabilized, but also the ideal color image can be obtained. To reflect image color rendering quality of different models more objectively, PSNR and SSIM indexes are adopted to evaluate the rendered images. The experimental results of the proposed method show that the robust image rendered by this method has better visual performance and reduces the influence of light and noise on the image to a certain extent.


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