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An SIS epidemic model with time delay and stochastic perturbation on heterogeneous networks

  • Received: 01 July 2021 Accepted: 04 August 2021 Published: 13 August 2021
  • An SIS epidemic model with time delay and stochastic perturbation on scale-free networks is established in this paper. And we derive sufficient conditions guaranteeing extinction and persistence of epidemics, respectively, which are related to the basic reproduction number $ R_0 $ of the corresponding deterministic model. When $ R_0 < 1 $, almost surely exponential extinction and $ p $-th moment exponential extinction of epidemics are proved by Razumikhin-Mao Theorem. Whereas, when $ R_0 > 1 $, the system is persistent in the mean under sufficiently weak noise intensities, which indicates that the disease will prevail. Finally, the main results are demonstrated by numerical simulations.

    Citation: Meici Sun, Qiming Liu. An SIS epidemic model with time delay and stochastic perturbation on heterogeneous networks[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 6790-6805. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021337

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  • An SIS epidemic model with time delay and stochastic perturbation on scale-free networks is established in this paper. And we derive sufficient conditions guaranteeing extinction and persistence of epidemics, respectively, which are related to the basic reproduction number $ R_0 $ of the corresponding deterministic model. When $ R_0 < 1 $, almost surely exponential extinction and $ p $-th moment exponential extinction of epidemics are proved by Razumikhin-Mao Theorem. Whereas, when $ R_0 > 1 $, the system is persistent in the mean under sufficiently weak noise intensities, which indicates that the disease will prevail. Finally, the main results are demonstrated by numerical simulations.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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