Research article

AMBTC-based visual secret sharing with different meaningful shadows

  • Received: 12 March 2021 Accepted: 04 June 2021 Published: 11 June 2021
  • Secret sharing based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding (AMBTC) has been widely studied. However, the management of stego images is inconvenient as they seem indistinguishable. Moreover, there exists a problem of pixel expansion, which requires more storage space and higher transmission bandwidth. To conveniently manage the stego images, we use multiple cover images to make the stego images seem to be visually different from with each other. Futhermore, the stego images are different, which will not cause the attacker's suspicion and increase the security of the scheme. And traditional Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) is fused to eliminate pixel expansion. After images are compressed by AMBTC algorithm, the quantization levels and the bitmap corresponding to each block are obtained. At the same time, when the threshold is $ (k, k) $, bitmaps can be recovered losslessly, and the slight degradation of image quality is only caused by the compression itself. When the threshold is another value, the recovered image and the cover images can be recovered with satisfactory image quality. The experimental results and analyses show the effectiveness and advantages of our scheme.

    Citation: Shudong Wang, Yuliang Lu, Xuehu Yan, Longlong Li, Yongqiang Yu. AMBTC-based visual secret sharing with different meaningful shadows[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 5236-5251. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021266

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  • Secret sharing based on Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding (AMBTC) has been widely studied. However, the management of stego images is inconvenient as they seem indistinguishable. Moreover, there exists a problem of pixel expansion, which requires more storage space and higher transmission bandwidth. To conveniently manage the stego images, we use multiple cover images to make the stego images seem to be visually different from with each other. Futhermore, the stego images are different, which will not cause the attacker's suspicion and increase the security of the scheme. And traditional Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) is fused to eliminate pixel expansion. After images are compressed by AMBTC algorithm, the quantization levels and the bitmap corresponding to each block are obtained. At the same time, when the threshold is $ (k, k) $, bitmaps can be recovered losslessly, and the slight degradation of image quality is only caused by the compression itself. When the threshold is another value, the recovered image and the cover images can be recovered with satisfactory image quality. The experimental results and analyses show the effectiveness and advantages of our scheme.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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