Research article

Fixed-time consensus of second-order multi-agent systems based on event-triggered mechanism under DoS attacks

  • Received: 04 November 2024 Revised: 09 January 2025 Accepted: 10 January 2025 Published: 22 January 2025
  • MSC : 93A16, 93C10, 93D50

  • This paper investigates fixed-time consensus (FXTC) for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems under denial of service (DoS) attacks using event-triggered control. First, consensus in second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed topologies is studied under a static event-triggered mechanism. Building upon this, dynamic auxiliary variables are introduced, and a dynamic event-triggered mechanism is designed. Consensus control protocols are proposed for both leader-follower and leaderless scenarios. Using Lyapunov stability theory and algebraic graph theory, the fixed-time consensus of multi-agent systems with directed topologies under DoS attacks is analyzed. Furthermore, Zeno behavior is excluded. Finally, numerical examples are presented to validate the theoretical results.

    Citation: Jiaqi Liang, Zhanheng Chen, Zhiyong Yu, Haijun Jiang. Fixed-time consensus of second-order multi-agent systems based on event-triggered mechanism under DoS attacks[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(1): 1501-1528. doi: 10.3934/math.2025070

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  • This paper investigates fixed-time consensus (FXTC) for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems under denial of service (DoS) attacks using event-triggered control. First, consensus in second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed topologies is studied under a static event-triggered mechanism. Building upon this, dynamic auxiliary variables are introduced, and a dynamic event-triggered mechanism is designed. Consensus control protocols are proposed for both leader-follower and leaderless scenarios. Using Lyapunov stability theory and algebraic graph theory, the fixed-time consensus of multi-agent systems with directed topologies under DoS attacks is analyzed. Furthermore, Zeno behavior is excluded. Finally, numerical examples are presented to validate the theoretical results.


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