Research article

Traveling-wave and numerical investigations to nonlinear equations via modern computational techniques

  • Correction on: AIMS Mathematics 9: 14310-14311
  • Received: 30 November 2023 Revised: 28 January 2024 Accepted: 06 February 2024 Published: 28 March 2024
  • MSC : 35A24, 35Q51, 65N06, 65N40, 65N50

  • In this study, we investigate the traveling wave solutions of the Gilson-Pickering equation using two different approaches: F-expansion and (1/G$ ^\prime $)-expansion. To carry out the analysis, we perform a numerical study using the implicit finite difference approach on a uniform mesh and the parabolic-Monge-Ampère (PMA) method on a moving mesh. We examine the truncation error, stability, and convergence of the difference scheme implemented on a fixed mesh. MATLAB software generates accurate representations of the solution based on specified parameter values by creating 3D and 2D graphs. Numerical simulations with the finite difference scheme demonstrate excellent agreement with the analytical solutions, further confirming the validity of our approaches. Convergence analysis confirms the stability and high accuracy of the implemented scheme. Notably, the PMA method performs better in capturing intricate wave interactions and dynamics that are not readily achievable with a fixed mesh.

    Citation: Taghread Ghannam Alharbi, Abdulghani Alharbi. Traveling-wave and numerical investigations to nonlinear equations via modern computational techniques[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12188-12210. doi: 10.3934/math.2024595

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  • In this study, we investigate the traveling wave solutions of the Gilson-Pickering equation using two different approaches: F-expansion and (1/G$ ^\prime $)-expansion. To carry out the analysis, we perform a numerical study using the implicit finite difference approach on a uniform mesh and the parabolic-Monge-Ampère (PMA) method on a moving mesh. We examine the truncation error, stability, and convergence of the difference scheme implemented on a fixed mesh. MATLAB software generates accurate representations of the solution based on specified parameter values by creating 3D and 2D graphs. Numerical simulations with the finite difference scheme demonstrate excellent agreement with the analytical solutions, further confirming the validity of our approaches. Convergence analysis confirms the stability and high accuracy of the implemented scheme. Notably, the PMA method performs better in capturing intricate wave interactions and dynamics that are not readily achievable with a fixed mesh.


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