Research article Special Issues

GAO-RRT*: A path planning algorithm for mobile robot with low path cost and fast convergence

  • Received: 28 January 2024 Revised: 04 March 2024 Accepted: 12 March 2024 Published: 27 March 2024
  • MSC : 68T40, 68W20

  • Path planning is an essential research topic in the navigation of mobile robots. Currently, rapidly-exploring random tree star (RRT*) and its variants are known for their probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality, making them effective in finding solutions for many path planning problems. However, slow convergence rate of the RRT* limits its practical efficiency. To address this problem, this paper proposed an enhanced RRT* algorithm by refining the extension process of the exploring tree. This enhancement aims to guide the tree approaching to obstacles (GAO) while exploring toward the target point. First, GAO-RRT* employed a dual-weighted sample strategy instead of random sample to guide search direction of the exploring tree. Second, a variable step size extension strategy was adopted to increase the efficiency of node generation, balancing searching time and path safety in regions with different obstacles densities. Third, growth status of new nodes was monitored in real-time, and a reverse growth strategy was proposed to guide the exploring tree to escape local optima. In addition, parent node creation procedure for new nodes was used to produce a better initial path. Finally, the proposed GAO-RRT* was compared with three state of the art algorithms on 16 different instances of four representative environments. Compared to RRT*, Quick-RRT* (Q-RRT*), and Fast-RRT* (F-RRT*), the results showed that (1) the average path cost of initial solutions obtained by GAO-RRT* decreased by 38.32%, 29.69%, and 20.44%, respectively; and (2) the average convergence time of solution obtained by GAO-RRT* to suboptimal (1.05*$ C_{best} $) was reduced by 71.22%, 69.69%, and 58.37%, respectively. Simulation results indicated that GAO-RRT* outperforms the compared algorithms in terms of path cost and convergence speed.

    Citation: Lijuan Zhu, Peng Duan, Leilei Meng, Xiaohui Yang. GAO-RRT*: A path planning algorithm for mobile robot with low path cost and fast convergence[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 12011-12042. doi: 10.3934/math.2024587

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  • Path planning is an essential research topic in the navigation of mobile robots. Currently, rapidly-exploring random tree star (RRT*) and its variants are known for their probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality, making them effective in finding solutions for many path planning problems. However, slow convergence rate of the RRT* limits its practical efficiency. To address this problem, this paper proposed an enhanced RRT* algorithm by refining the extension process of the exploring tree. This enhancement aims to guide the tree approaching to obstacles (GAO) while exploring toward the target point. First, GAO-RRT* employed a dual-weighted sample strategy instead of random sample to guide search direction of the exploring tree. Second, a variable step size extension strategy was adopted to increase the efficiency of node generation, balancing searching time and path safety in regions with different obstacles densities. Third, growth status of new nodes was monitored in real-time, and a reverse growth strategy was proposed to guide the exploring tree to escape local optima. In addition, parent node creation procedure for new nodes was used to produce a better initial path. Finally, the proposed GAO-RRT* was compared with three state of the art algorithms on 16 different instances of four representative environments. Compared to RRT*, Quick-RRT* (Q-RRT*), and Fast-RRT* (F-RRT*), the results showed that (1) the average path cost of initial solutions obtained by GAO-RRT* decreased by 38.32%, 29.69%, and 20.44%, respectively; and (2) the average convergence time of solution obtained by GAO-RRT* to suboptimal (1.05*$ C_{best} $) was reduced by 71.22%, 69.69%, and 58.37%, respectively. Simulation results indicated that GAO-RRT* outperforms the compared algorithms in terms of path cost and convergence speed.


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