Research article

A recent survey of permutation trinomials over finite fields

  • Received: 03 July 2023 Revised: 15 September 2023 Accepted: 25 September 2023 Published: 26 October 2023
  • MSC : 05A05, 11T06

  • Constructing permutation polynomials is a hot topic in the area of finite fields, and permutation polynomials have many applications in different areas. Recently, several classes of permutation trinomials were constructed. In 2015, Hou surveyed the achievements of permutation polynomials and novel methods. But, very few were known at that time. Recently, many permutation binomials and trinomials have been constructed. Here we survey the significant contribution made to the construction of permutation trinomials over finite fields in recent years. Emphasis is placed on significant results and novel methods. The covered material is split into three aspects: the existence of permutation trinomials of the respective forms $ x^{r}h(x^{s}) $, $ \lambda_{1}x^{a}+\lambda_{2}x^{b}+\lambda_{3}x^{c} $ and $ x+x^{s(q^{m}-1)+1} +x^{t(q^{m}-1)+1} $, with Niho-type exponents $ s, t $.

    Citation: Varsha Jarali, Prasanna Poojary, G. R. Vadiraja Bhatta. A recent survey of permutation trinomials over finite fields[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(12): 29182-29220. doi: 10.3934/math.20231495

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  • Constructing permutation polynomials is a hot topic in the area of finite fields, and permutation polynomials have many applications in different areas. Recently, several classes of permutation trinomials were constructed. In 2015, Hou surveyed the achievements of permutation polynomials and novel methods. But, very few were known at that time. Recently, many permutation binomials and trinomials have been constructed. Here we survey the significant contribution made to the construction of permutation trinomials over finite fields in recent years. Emphasis is placed on significant results and novel methods. The covered material is split into three aspects: the existence of permutation trinomials of the respective forms $ x^{r}h(x^{s}) $, $ \lambda_{1}x^{a}+\lambda_{2}x^{b}+\lambda_{3}x^{c} $ and $ x+x^{s(q^{m}-1)+1} +x^{t(q^{m}-1)+1} $, with Niho-type exponents $ s, t $.


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