Research article Special Issues

Supporting vectors vs. principal components

  • Received: 10 July 2022 Revised: 29 September 2022 Accepted: 08 October 2022 Published: 26 October 2022
  • MSC : 51F30, 54E35, 54E45

  • Let $ T:X\to Y $ be a bounded linear operator between Banach spaces $ X, Y $. A vector $ x_0\in {\mathsf{S}}_X $ in the unit sphere $ {\mathsf{S}}_X $ of $ X $ is called a supporting vector of $ T $ provided that $ \|T(x_0)\| = \sup\{\|T(x)\|:\|x\| = 1\} = \|T\| $. Since matrices induce linear operators between finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, we can consider their supporting vectors. In this manuscript, we unveil the relationship between the principal components of a matrix and its supporting vectors. Applications of our results to real-life problems are provided.

    Citation: Almudena P. Márquez, Francisco Javier García-Pacheco, Míriam Mengibar-Rodríguez, Alberto Sánchez-Alzola. Supporting vectors vs. principal components[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(1): 1937-1958. doi: 10.3934/math.2023100

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  • Let $ T:X\to Y $ be a bounded linear operator between Banach spaces $ X, Y $. A vector $ x_0\in {\mathsf{S}}_X $ in the unit sphere $ {\mathsf{S}}_X $ of $ X $ is called a supporting vector of $ T $ provided that $ \|T(x_0)\| = \sup\{\|T(x)\|:\|x\| = 1\} = \|T\| $. Since matrices induce linear operators between finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, we can consider their supporting vectors. In this manuscript, we unveil the relationship between the principal components of a matrix and its supporting vectors. Applications of our results to real-life problems are provided.


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