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Modification of Takari natural sand based silica with BSA (SiO2@BSA) for biogenic amines compound adsorbent

  • Received: 09 September 2021 Revised: 08 November 2021 Accepted: 16 November 2021 Published: 17 December 2021
  • The modification of Takari natural sand‑based silica with bovine serum albumin/BSA (SiO2@BSA) as an adsorbent for biogenic amines compounds has been successfully synthesized. The SiO2@BSA was synthesized by using the batch method, then was characterized by using FTIR and SEM. Here, A typical BSA group was identified with the new formed namely C–N and C–H, and N–H. The SEM image shows the surface morphology in granular, non‑uniform, rough, and agglomerated forms. Several parameters such as adsorbent dosages, pH, and contact time, shows this material was optimum for adsorption of BSA at pH 5 with adsorbent dosages is 0.1 g during 80 min of contact time. The mechanism adsorption of BSA in this material was found out by using six kinetics modeling, and thermodynamic studies. Here, the adsorption of BSA was fitted with pseudo‑second‑order kinetics. Furthermore, the thermodynamic studies show that adsorption of BSA is spontaneously and follows chemical adsorption.

    Citation: Johnson N. Naat, Yantus A. B Neolaka, Yosep Lawa, Calvin L. Wolu, Dewi Lestarani, Sri Sugiarti, Dyah Iswantini. Modification of Takari natural sand based silica with BSA (SiO2@BSA) for biogenic amines compound adsorbent[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2022, 9(1): 36-55. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2022003

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  • The modification of Takari natural sand‑based silica with bovine serum albumin/BSA (SiO2@BSA) as an adsorbent for biogenic amines compounds has been successfully synthesized. The SiO2@BSA was synthesized by using the batch method, then was characterized by using FTIR and SEM. Here, A typical BSA group was identified with the new formed namely C–N and C–H, and N–H. The SEM image shows the surface morphology in granular, non‑uniform, rough, and agglomerated forms. Several parameters such as adsorbent dosages, pH, and contact time, shows this material was optimum for adsorption of BSA at pH 5 with adsorbent dosages is 0.1 g during 80 min of contact time. The mechanism adsorption of BSA in this material was found out by using six kinetics modeling, and thermodynamic studies. Here, the adsorption of BSA was fitted with pseudo‑second‑order kinetics. Furthermore, the thermodynamic studies show that adsorption of BSA is spontaneously and follows chemical adsorption.


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