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Assessing the mechanical properties of molecular materials from atomic simulation

  • Received: 18 October 2021 Accepted: 02 December 2021 Published: 08 December 2021
  • We review approaches to deriving mechanical properties from atomic simulations with a special emphasis on temperature-dependent characterization of polymer materials. The complex molecular network of such materials implies only partial, rather local ordering stemming from the entanglement of molecular moieties or covalent bonding of network nodes, whereas the polymer strands between the nodes may undergo nm-scale reorganization during thermal fluctuations. This not only leads to a strong temperature-dependence of the elastic moduli, but also gives rise to visco-elastic behavior that complicates characterization from molecular dynamics simulations. Indeed, tensile-testing approaches need rigorous evaluation of strain-rate dependences, provoking significant computational demands. Likewise, the use of fluctuations observed from unbiased constant-temperature, constant-pressure molecular dynamics simulation is not straight-forward. However, we suggest pre-processing from Fourier-filtering prior to taking Boltzmann-statistics to discriminate elastic-type vibrations of the simulation models for suitable application of linear-response theory.

    Citation: Julian Konrad, Dirk Zahn. Assessing the mechanical properties of molecular materials from atomic simulation[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2021, 8(6): 867-880. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2021053

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  • We review approaches to deriving mechanical properties from atomic simulations with a special emphasis on temperature-dependent characterization of polymer materials. The complex molecular network of such materials implies only partial, rather local ordering stemming from the entanglement of molecular moieties or covalent bonding of network nodes, whereas the polymer strands between the nodes may undergo nm-scale reorganization during thermal fluctuations. This not only leads to a strong temperature-dependence of the elastic moduli, but also gives rise to visco-elastic behavior that complicates characterization from molecular dynamics simulations. Indeed, tensile-testing approaches need rigorous evaluation of strain-rate dependences, provoking significant computational demands. Likewise, the use of fluctuations observed from unbiased constant-temperature, constant-pressure molecular dynamics simulation is not straight-forward. However, we suggest pre-processing from Fourier-filtering prior to taking Boltzmann-statistics to discriminate elastic-type vibrations of the simulation models for suitable application of linear-response theory.


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