Several similar indicators in Nevada (USA) and South Yakutia (Russia) gold-bearing provinces have been identified based on modern tectonic, geophysical and seismic tomography observations, followed by the analysis of the main geodynamic factors of the formation and distribution of large gold-bearing provinces in the North Pacific. One of the significant metallogenic peculiarities is a wide variety of formational and mineral deposits concentrated in the areas. Both provinces are situated at active margins surrounded by fold-thrust belts. In South Yakutia, a combination of sublatitudinal Baikal-Elkon-Ulkan and submeridional Seligdar-Verkhnetimpon gravity field gradient zones is recorded. In contrast, significant positive gravity anomalies of the Northern Nevada Rift and higher-order gradient zones are presented in Nevada. Large pluton and transform fault zones in both provinces support a conclusion about the fundamental role of geodynamic factors in developing ore-magmatic systems in the regions. Significant differences in the scale of the gold mineralization in the considered provinces are explained by the existence under the North American continent not only of the Mendocino transform fault zone but also of the Juan de Fuca paleo-spreading center. In contrast, the Inagli-Konder-Feklistov magmatic-metallogenic belt alone controls mineralization under the Asian continent.
Citation: Vadim Khomich, Svyatoslav Shcheka, Natalia Boriskina. Geodynamic factors in the formation of large gold-bearing provinces with Carlin-type deposits on continental margins in the North Pacific[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(4): 672-696. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023036
Several similar indicators in Nevada (USA) and South Yakutia (Russia) gold-bearing provinces have been identified based on modern tectonic, geophysical and seismic tomography observations, followed by the analysis of the main geodynamic factors of the formation and distribution of large gold-bearing provinces in the North Pacific. One of the significant metallogenic peculiarities is a wide variety of formational and mineral deposits concentrated in the areas. Both provinces are situated at active margins surrounded by fold-thrust belts. In South Yakutia, a combination of sublatitudinal Baikal-Elkon-Ulkan and submeridional Seligdar-Verkhnetimpon gravity field gradient zones is recorded. In contrast, significant positive gravity anomalies of the Northern Nevada Rift and higher-order gradient zones are presented in Nevada. Large pluton and transform fault zones in both provinces support a conclusion about the fundamental role of geodynamic factors in developing ore-magmatic systems in the regions. Significant differences in the scale of the gold mineralization in the considered provinces are explained by the existence under the North American continent not only of the Mendocino transform fault zone but also of the Juan de Fuca paleo-spreading center. In contrast, the Inagli-Konder-Feklistov magmatic-metallogenic belt alone controls mineralization under the Asian continent.
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