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Hamiltonian conserved Crank-Nicolson schemes for a semi-linear wave equation based on the exponential scalar auxiliary variables approach

  • Received: 17 April 2024 Revised: 29 June 2024 Accepted: 08 July 2024 Published: 15 July 2024
  • The keys to constructing numerical schemes for nonlinear partial differential equations are accuracy, handling of the nonlinear terms, and physical properties (energy dissipation or conservation). In this paper, we employ the exponential scalar auxiliary variable (E-SAV) method to solve a semi-linear wave equation. By defining two different variables and combining the Crank−Nicolson scheme, two semi-discrete schemes are proposed, both of which are second-order and maintain Hamiltonian conservation. Two numerical experiments are presented to verify the reliability of the theory.

    Citation: Huanhuan Li, Lei Kang, Meng Li, Xianbing Luo, Shuwen Xiang. Hamiltonian conserved Crank-Nicolson schemes for a semi-linear wave equation based on the exponential scalar auxiliary variables approach[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2024, 32(7): 4433-4453. doi: 10.3934/era.2024200

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  • The keys to constructing numerical schemes for nonlinear partial differential equations are accuracy, handling of the nonlinear terms, and physical properties (energy dissipation or conservation). In this paper, we employ the exponential scalar auxiliary variable (E-SAV) method to solve a semi-linear wave equation. By defining two different variables and combining the Crank−Nicolson scheme, two semi-discrete schemes are proposed, both of which are second-order and maintain Hamiltonian conservation. Two numerical experiments are presented to verify the reliability of the theory.


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