Research article Special Issues

Analysis of long-term maintenance decision for asphalt pavement based on analytic hierarchy process and network level optimization decision

  • Received: 17 July 2023 Revised: 21 August 2023 Accepted: 23 August 2023 Published: 30 August 2023
  • In order to effectively mitigate the deterioration of pavement and roadbed, the need for extensive repairs and costly reconstruction ought to be minimized. Hence, this study introduces a novel approach towards long-term preservation of asphalt pavement, which conducts in-depth research on pavement maintenance decision-making using the decision tree method. The selection of appropriate decision-making indicators is based on their respective significance and the actual maintenance requirements, from which a comprehensive decision model for asphalt pavement maintenance is developed. By employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a network-level optimization decision-making approach, this study investigates the allocation of maintenance decisions, structural preservation, optimal combinations of maintenance strategies, and fund allocation schemes. The result is the development of a project-level and network-level structural preservation decision optimization method. Furthermore, a decision-making module is designed to accompany this method, facilitating the visualization of comprehensive data and decision-making plans. This module enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the decision-making process by providing a user-friendly interface and a clear presentation of data-driven insights and decision outcomes. The case study clearly proved the applicability and rationality of the long-term preservation strategy of structures based on intelligent decision-making, which laid the foundation for the sustainable development of pavement maintenance and development.

    Citation: Jiuda Huang, Chao Han, Wuju Wei, Chengjun Zhao. Analysis of long-term maintenance decision for asphalt pavement based on analytic hierarchy process and network level optimization decision[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(9): 5894-5916. doi: 10.3934/era.2023299

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  • In order to effectively mitigate the deterioration of pavement and roadbed, the need for extensive repairs and costly reconstruction ought to be minimized. Hence, this study introduces a novel approach towards long-term preservation of asphalt pavement, which conducts in-depth research on pavement maintenance decision-making using the decision tree method. The selection of appropriate decision-making indicators is based on their respective significance and the actual maintenance requirements, from which a comprehensive decision model for asphalt pavement maintenance is developed. By employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a network-level optimization decision-making approach, this study investigates the allocation of maintenance decisions, structural preservation, optimal combinations of maintenance strategies, and fund allocation schemes. The result is the development of a project-level and network-level structural preservation decision optimization method. Furthermore, a decision-making module is designed to accompany this method, facilitating the visualization of comprehensive data and decision-making plans. This module enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the decision-making process by providing a user-friendly interface and a clear presentation of data-driven insights and decision outcomes. The case study clearly proved the applicability and rationality of the long-term preservation strategy of structures based on intelligent decision-making, which laid the foundation for the sustainable development of pavement maintenance and development.


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