Research article

Tutorial on prescriptive analytics for logistics: What to predict and how to predict

  • † The authors contributed equally to this work
  • Received: 04 October 2022 Revised: 17 January 2023 Accepted: 18 January 2023 Published: 24 February 2023
  • The development of the Internet of things (IoT) and online platforms enables companies and governments to collect data from a much broader spatial and temporal area in the logistics industry. The huge amount of data provides new opportunities to handle uncertainty in optimization problems within the logistics system. Accordingly, various prescriptive analytics frameworks have been developed to predict different parts of uncertain optimization problems, including the uncertain parameter, the combined coefficient consisting of the uncertain parameter, the objective function, and the optimal solution. This tutorial serves as the pioneer to introduce existing literature on state-of-the-art prescriptive analytics methods, such as the predict-then-optimize framework, the smart predict-then-optimize framework, the weighted sample average approximation framework, the empirical risk minimization framework, and the kernel optimization framework. Based on these frameworks, this tutorial further proposes possible improvements and practical tips to be considered when we use these methods. We hope that this tutorial will serve as a reference for future prescriptive analytics research on the logistics system in the era of big data.

    Citation: Xuecheng Tian, Ran Yan, Shuaian Wang, Yannick Liu, Lu Zhen. Tutorial on prescriptive analytics for logistics: What to predict and how to predict[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(4): 2265-2285. doi: 10.3934/era.2023116

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  • The development of the Internet of things (IoT) and online platforms enables companies and governments to collect data from a much broader spatial and temporal area in the logistics industry. The huge amount of data provides new opportunities to handle uncertainty in optimization problems within the logistics system. Accordingly, various prescriptive analytics frameworks have been developed to predict different parts of uncertain optimization problems, including the uncertain parameter, the combined coefficient consisting of the uncertain parameter, the objective function, and the optimal solution. This tutorial serves as the pioneer to introduce existing literature on state-of-the-art prescriptive analytics methods, such as the predict-then-optimize framework, the smart predict-then-optimize framework, the weighted sample average approximation framework, the empirical risk minimization framework, and the kernel optimization framework. Based on these frameworks, this tutorial further proposes possible improvements and practical tips to be considered when we use these methods. We hope that this tutorial will serve as a reference for future prescriptive analytics research on the logistics system in the era of big data.


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