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Planar vortices in a bounded domain with a hole

  • Received: 01 August 2021 Published: 08 October 2021
  • Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35

  • In this paper, we consider the inviscid, incompressible planar flows in a bounded domain with a hole and construct stationary classical solutions with single vortex core, which is closed to the hole. This is carried out by constructing solutions to the following semilinear elliptic problem

    $ \begin{equation} \begin{cases} -\Delta \psi = \lambda(\psi-\frac{\kappa}{4\pi}\ln\lambda)_+^p,\quad &\text{in}\; \Omega,\\ \psi = \rho_\lambda,\quad &\text{on}\; \partial O_0,\\ \psi = 0,\quad &\text{on}\; \partial\Omega_0, \end{cases} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(1)\end{equation} $

    where $ p>1 $, $ \kappa $ is a positive constant, $ \rho_\lambda $ is a constant, depending on $ \lambda $, $ \Omega = \Omega_0\setminus \bar{O}_0 $ and $ \Omega_0 $, $ O_0 $ are two planar bounded simply-connected domains. We show that under the assumption $ (\ln\lambda)^\sigma\leq\rho_\lambda\leq (\ln\lambda)^{1-\sigma} $ for some $ \sigma>0 $ small, (1) has a solution $ \psi_\lambda $, whose vorticity set $ \{y\in \Omega:\, \psi(y)-\kappa+\rho_\lambda\eta(y)>0\} $ shrinks to the boundary of the hole as $ \lambda\to +\infty $.

    Citation: Shusen Yan, Weilin Yu. Planar vortices in a bounded domain with a hole[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(6): 4229-4241. doi: 10.3934/era.2021081

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  • In this paper, we consider the inviscid, incompressible planar flows in a bounded domain with a hole and construct stationary classical solutions with single vortex core, which is closed to the hole. This is carried out by constructing solutions to the following semilinear elliptic problem

    $ \begin{equation} \begin{cases} -\Delta \psi = \lambda(\psi-\frac{\kappa}{4\pi}\ln\lambda)_+^p,\quad &\text{in}\; \Omega,\\ \psi = \rho_\lambda,\quad &\text{on}\; \partial O_0,\\ \psi = 0,\quad &\text{on}\; \partial\Omega_0, \end{cases} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(1)\end{equation} $

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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