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Current model predictive fault-tolerant control for grid-connected photovoltaic system

  • Received: 22 January 2022 Revised: 12 April 2022 Accepted: 23 April 2022 Published: 11 May 2022
  • This paper investigates the performance of the current model predictive control (CMPC) for controlling a two-stage transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system under grid fault conditions. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller was used to extract the maximum power of the PV panel. To stabilize the DC link and generate the reference current values, a proportional-integral (PI) controller was used. The CMPC strategy was implemented to control the output current of the inverter that connects the PV system to the utility grid. The system and control strategy were simulated via a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The performance of the proposed control strategy was investigated under fault conditions between the three-phase two-level inverter and the grid. Moreover, to validate the capability of the CMPC, comparative case studies were conducted between CMPC, PI, and sliding mode control (SMC) under grid fault. Case studies' results showed that under grid fault, CMPC did not introduce any overshoot or undershoot in the PV output DC current and power. However, PI and SMC produced undershoots of almost 15 kW for the output power and 45 A for the output current. Under the fault conditions, the active output power and three-phase current recovery time of the inverter was 50 ms using CMPC, compared to PI and SMC with recovery times of 80 ms and 60 ms, respectively. Moreover, a voltage dip of 75 V at the DC link voltage was recorded with CMPC under faulty conditions, while the voltage dips for PI and SMC were around 180 V.

    Citation: Abdulrahman J. Babqi, NasimUllah, Ahmed Althobaiti, Hend I. Alkhammash, Asier Ibeas. Current model predictive fault-tolerant control for grid-connected photovoltaic system[J]. AIMS Energy, 2022, 10(2): 273-291. doi: 10.3934/energy.2022015

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  • This paper investigates the performance of the current model predictive control (CMPC) for controlling a two-stage transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system under grid fault conditions. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller was used to extract the maximum power of the PV panel. To stabilize the DC link and generate the reference current values, a proportional-integral (PI) controller was used. The CMPC strategy was implemented to control the output current of the inverter that connects the PV system to the utility grid. The system and control strategy were simulated via a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The performance of the proposed control strategy was investigated under fault conditions between the three-phase two-level inverter and the grid. Moreover, to validate the capability of the CMPC, comparative case studies were conducted between CMPC, PI, and sliding mode control (SMC) under grid fault. Case studies' results showed that under grid fault, CMPC did not introduce any overshoot or undershoot in the PV output DC current and power. However, PI and SMC produced undershoots of almost 15 kW for the output power and 45 A for the output current. Under the fault conditions, the active output power and three-phase current recovery time of the inverter was 50 ms using CMPC, compared to PI and SMC with recovery times of 80 ms and 60 ms, respectively. Moreover, a voltage dip of 75 V at the DC link voltage was recorded with CMPC under faulty conditions, while the voltage dips for PI and SMC were around 180 V.


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