Research article Special Issues

Nontrivial solutions for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear Goldstein-Wentzell boundary condition

  • Received: 10 October 2023 Revised: 31 October 2023 Accepted: 12 November 2023 Published: 15 November 2023
  • 35D30, 35J05, 35J20, 25J25, 35J61, 35J67

  • The paper deals with the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for the doubly elliptic problem

    $ \begin{cases} \Delta u = 0 \qquad &\text{in}~~ \Omega , \\ u = 0 &\text{on}~~ \Gamma_0 , \\ -\Delta_\Gamma u +\partial_\nu u = |u|^{p-2}u\qquad &\text{on}~~ \Gamma_1 , \end{cases} $

    where $ \Omega $ is a bounded open subset of $ \mathbb R^N $ ($ N\ge 2 $) with $ C^1 $ boundary $ \partial\Omega = \Gamma_0\cup\Gamma_1 $, $ \Gamma_0\cap\Gamma_1 = \emptyset $, $ \Gamma_1 $ being nonempty and relatively open on $ \Gamma $, $ \mathcal{H}^{N-1}(\Gamma_0) > 0 $ and $ p > 2 $ being subcritical with respect to Sobolev embedding on $ \partial\Omega $.

    We prove that the problem admits nontrivial solutions at the potential-well depth energy level, which is the minimal energy level for nontrivial solutions. We also prove that the problem has infinitely many solutions at higher energy levels.

    Citation: Enzo Vitillaro. Nontrivial solutions for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear Goldstein-Wentzell boundary condition[J]. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 2023, 15(4): 811-830. doi: 10.3934/cam.2023039

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  • The paper deals with the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for the doubly elliptic problem

    $ \begin{cases} \Delta u = 0 \qquad &\text{in}~~ \Omega , \\ u = 0 &\text{on}~~ \Gamma_0 , \\ -\Delta_\Gamma u +\partial_\nu u = |u|^{p-2}u\qquad &\text{on}~~ \Gamma_1 , \end{cases} $

    where $ \Omega $ is a bounded open subset of $ \mathbb R^N $ ($ N\ge 2 $) with $ C^1 $ boundary $ \partial\Omega = \Gamma_0\cup\Gamma_1 $, $ \Gamma_0\cap\Gamma_1 = \emptyset $, $ \Gamma_1 $ being nonempty and relatively open on $ \Gamma $, $ \mathcal{H}^{N-1}(\Gamma_0) > 0 $ and $ p > 2 $ being subcritical with respect to Sobolev embedding on $ \partial\Omega $.

    We prove that the problem admits nontrivial solutions at the potential-well depth energy level, which is the minimal energy level for nontrivial solutions. We also prove that the problem has infinitely many solutions at higher energy levels.


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