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A micro-CT evaluation of bone density around two different types of surfaces on one-piece fixo implants with early loading-an experimental study in dogs at 3 months

  • Received: 13 September 2022 Revised: 11 December 2022 Accepted: 23 December 2022 Published: 28 December 2022
  • The study's main objective was to evaluate the bone density and osseointegration around dental implants with two different implant surfaces with early loading, using a micro-CT device. Twenty-four Fixo® implants (Oxyimplant, Biomec Italy) 3.5 × 8.5 mm with Laser (test group) and acid-etched surface (control group) were placed in six young beagle dog's mandibles. MicroCT (Albira, Germay) evaluation with seven regions of interest was defined in each implant on two different surfaces. A total of 168 sites were studied, and four isocountours were also done in each implant at coronal, transversal, and sagittal scanned areas to evaluate bone density location. The effect on the bone evaluation of two different surfaces variables was evaluated at the mesial and distal positions, showing crestal, medial, and apical types of bone density. Implant positions (P2, P3, P4, and M1) were also analyzed to determine bone density areas. The results of hard tissue density indicated a statistical significance for laser surface at crestal ROIs level (p < 0.001) and position of implants (p = 0.032) related to P3 areas compared to the acid-etched surface in Fixo® implants. Density D4 was the most common type of bone surrounding Fixo® standard implants at three different positions and density D3 was the most found on Fixo® laser surfaces. Micro-CT evaluation was a powerful tool for measuring the type of bone quality and location surrounding dental implants. Micro-CT study revealed that the most common density type found around Fixo® laser surface (test) implants was density D3 at the mesial and distal coronal part and density D4 at the middle and apical part. Fixo® implant with acid-etched surface showed the type of density D4 bone in hole implant at 3 months follow-up. It is a complementary histologic and histomorphometric analysis method for implant surrounding bone density.

    Citation: Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Nuria García Carrillo, Félix de Carlos-Villafranca, Miguel Angel Garces-Villala, Lanka Mahesh, Juan Carlos Ibanez, Francisco Martinez-Martinez. A micro-CT evaluation of bone density around two different types of surfaces on one-piece fixo implants with early loading-an experimental study in dogs at 3 months[J]. AIMS Bioengineering, 2022, 9(4): 383-399. doi: 10.3934/bioeng.2022028

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  • The study's main objective was to evaluate the bone density and osseointegration around dental implants with two different implant surfaces with early loading, using a micro-CT device. Twenty-four Fixo® implants (Oxyimplant, Biomec Italy) 3.5 × 8.5 mm with Laser (test group) and acid-etched surface (control group) were placed in six young beagle dog's mandibles. MicroCT (Albira, Germay) evaluation with seven regions of interest was defined in each implant on two different surfaces. A total of 168 sites were studied, and four isocountours were also done in each implant at coronal, transversal, and sagittal scanned areas to evaluate bone density location. The effect on the bone evaluation of two different surfaces variables was evaluated at the mesial and distal positions, showing crestal, medial, and apical types of bone density. Implant positions (P2, P3, P4, and M1) were also analyzed to determine bone density areas. The results of hard tissue density indicated a statistical significance for laser surface at crestal ROIs level (p < 0.001) and position of implants (p = 0.032) related to P3 areas compared to the acid-etched surface in Fixo® implants. Density D4 was the most common type of bone surrounding Fixo® standard implants at three different positions and density D3 was the most found on Fixo® laser surfaces. Micro-CT evaluation was a powerful tool for measuring the type of bone quality and location surrounding dental implants. Micro-CT study revealed that the most common density type found around Fixo® laser surface (test) implants was density D3 at the mesial and distal coronal part and density D4 at the middle and apical part. Fixo® implant with acid-etched surface showed the type of density D4 bone in hole implant at 3 months follow-up. It is a complementary histologic and histomorphometric analysis method for implant surrounding bone density.



    We would like to thank the companies Biomec SL (Italy) and MADIMPLANT (Madrid, Spain), Olivio Dela Bella and Eduardo Izquierdo, who provided the material for its development and research.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Author contributions

    Conceptualization, Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Francisco Martinez-Martinez; data curation Mari Carmen Gonzalez Escudero, Nuria Garcia Carrillo, formal analysis Felix de Carlos-Villafranca, Miguel Angel Garces-Villala, funding acquisition, Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Francisco Martinez-Martinez; investigation Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Mari Carmen González Escudero, Nuria Garcia Carrillo, methodology, Francisco Martinez-Martínez, Felix de Carlos-Villafranca, project administration Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, resources Francisco Martinez-Martinez; software, Felix de Carlos-Villafranca, Miguel Angel Garces-Villala, supervision Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Francisco Martinez-Martinez; validation, Mari Carmen Gonzalez Escudero, Nuria Garcia Carrillo, visualization Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado; writing-original draft preparation, Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Francisco Martinez-Martinez; writing-review and editing. Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado, Felix de Carlos-Villafranca, Nuria Garcia Carrillo, Francisco Martinez-Martinez; translations and final corrections; Lanka Mahesh, Juan Carlos Ibanez.

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