Review Special Issues

Potential applications of biosurfactants in animal production and meat research

  • Received: 09 November 2023 Revised: 10 January 2024 Accepted: 29 January 2024 Published: 04 February 2024
  • Muscle foods are perishable products that are subject to several contaminations such as microbial and/or chemical (lipid and protein oxidation) alterations, which result in their deterioration and quality loss. Several processing strategies are used to preserve and improve the stability, shelf-life and quality of meat and meat products, from which natural preservative agents are gaining interest from both industrials and consumers as green and eco-friendly strategies. Among these natural preservatives, biosurfactants are emerging molecules. Their natural origin and biodegradability make them appealing for use in the food industry. In meat research, biosurfactants are of great interest as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents to reduce meat spoilage and wastage as well as for improving the shelf-life of the products. We aimed to discuss the potential applications of biosurfactants with a focus on their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity within the objectives of reducing meat quality deterioration and improving the image quality (acceptability by consumers) of meat and meat products. Additionally, further perspectives under the context of practical applications of biosurfactants in meat emulsification have been discussed, serving as a reference to feed knowledge gaps in this emerging topic of research. Further studies and evaluations of biosurfactants in meat research are needed to establish more evidence of their potential benefits, applicability and feasibility at a larger scale.

    Citation: Cerine Yasmine Boulahlib, Moufida Aggoun, Rabah Arhab, Mohammed Gagaoua. Potential applications of biosurfactants in animal production and meat research[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2024, 9(1): 237-253. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2024014

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  • Muscle foods are perishable products that are subject to several contaminations such as microbial and/or chemical (lipid and protein oxidation) alterations, which result in their deterioration and quality loss. Several processing strategies are used to preserve and improve the stability, shelf-life and quality of meat and meat products, from which natural preservative agents are gaining interest from both industrials and consumers as green and eco-friendly strategies. Among these natural preservatives, biosurfactants are emerging molecules. Their natural origin and biodegradability make them appealing for use in the food industry. In meat research, biosurfactants are of great interest as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents to reduce meat spoilage and wastage as well as for improving the shelf-life of the products. We aimed to discuss the potential applications of biosurfactants with a focus on their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity within the objectives of reducing meat quality deterioration and improving the image quality (acceptability by consumers) of meat and meat products. Additionally, further perspectives under the context of practical applications of biosurfactants in meat emulsification have been discussed, serving as a reference to feed knowledge gaps in this emerging topic of research. Further studies and evaluations of biosurfactants in meat research are needed to establish more evidence of their potential benefits, applicability and feasibility at a larger scale.


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