Research article Special Issues

Understanding consumption choices of innovative products: an outlook on the Italian functional food market

  • Received: 28 April 2021 Accepted: 29 July 2021 Published: 11 August 2021
  • Nowadays, the interest towards functional food has increased; however, several factors jeopardize their diffusion on the market. In fact, functional foods do not have either a specific regulatory framework or a statutory definition in Europe. A functional food with any nutrition and health claim related to vitamins, minerals, or other substances in their labeling have to meet only the specific requirements established by the Regulation (EC) 1924/2006. Consequently, these products are not uniquely recognizable and the perception of consumers towards them remains a confusing concept. In this scenario, this paper investigates knowledge and factors affecting consumers' consumption intention towards functional food in Italy. For this purpose, a survey was designed, and a logit model was used to explain motivators for the consumption of functional products. The result indicates that consumers are still confused about the concept of functional foods. An important motive for the consumption of functional food is the maintenance of good nutrition, health conditions as well as well-being. An additional factor in the success of functional products is the familiarity and the knowledge of the effects of a particular product on health conditions. The probability of the consumption of a functional product increases when the consumer associates the knows of the functional characteristic and the healthful properties with the consequences of their consumption. Results are useful to verify the opportunities for further expansion of these products on the Italian market.

    Citation: Bentivoglio Deborah, Margherita Rotordam, Staffolani Giacomo, Chiaraluce Giulia, Finco Adele. Understanding consumption choices of innovative products: an outlook on the Italian functional food market[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2021, 6(3): 818-837. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2021050

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  • Nowadays, the interest towards functional food has increased; however, several factors jeopardize their diffusion on the market. In fact, functional foods do not have either a specific regulatory framework or a statutory definition in Europe. A functional food with any nutrition and health claim related to vitamins, minerals, or other substances in their labeling have to meet only the specific requirements established by the Regulation (EC) 1924/2006. Consequently, these products are not uniquely recognizable and the perception of consumers towards them remains a confusing concept. In this scenario, this paper investigates knowledge and factors affecting consumers' consumption intention towards functional food in Italy. For this purpose, a survey was designed, and a logit model was used to explain motivators for the consumption of functional products. The result indicates that consumers are still confused about the concept of functional foods. An important motive for the consumption of functional food is the maintenance of good nutrition, health conditions as well as well-being. An additional factor in the success of functional products is the familiarity and the knowledge of the effects of a particular product on health conditions. The probability of the consumption of a functional product increases when the consumer associates the knows of the functional characteristic and the healthful properties with the consequences of their consumption. Results are useful to verify the opportunities for further expansion of these products on the Italian market.


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