Definition modeling, the task of generating a definition for a given term, is a relatively new area of research applied in evaluating word embeddings. Automatic generation of dictionary quality definitions has many applications in natural language processing, such as sentiment analysis, machine translation, and word sense disambiguation. Additionally, definition modeling is also helpful for evaluating the quality of word embeddings. As more research is done in this field, the need for a summary of different applications, approaches, and obstacles grows apparent. This review provides an overview of the current research in definition modeling and a list of future directions and trends.
Citation: Noah Gardner, Hafiz Khan, Chih-Cheng Hung. Definition modeling: literature review and dataset analysis[J]. Applied Computing and Intelligence, 2022, 2(1): 83-98. doi: 10.3934/aci.2022005
Definition modeling, the task of generating a definition for a given term, is a relatively new area of research applied in evaluating word embeddings. Automatic generation of dictionary quality definitions has many applications in natural language processing, such as sentiment analysis, machine translation, and word sense disambiguation. Additionally, definition modeling is also helpful for evaluating the quality of word embeddings. As more research is done in this field, the need for a summary of different applications, approaches, and obstacles grows apparent. This review provides an overview of the current research in definition modeling and a list of future directions and trends.
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