Research article

The historical transition of return transmission, volatility spillovers, and dynamic conditional correlations: A fresh perspective and new evidence from the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets

  • Received: 22 February 2024 Revised: 05 June 2024 Accepted: 10 June 2024 Published: 19 June 2024
  • JEL Codes: G00, G10, G12, G15

  • This paper quantitatively investigated the historical transition of return transmission, volatility spillovers, and correlations between the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets. Applying a vector autoregressive (VAR)-dynamic conditional correlation (DCC)-multivariate exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MEGARCH) model, we derived new evidence for four historical periods between 1984 and 2024. First, we found that the return transmission from the US to the other markets has historically become stronger, whereas recently, the return transmission from the UK to the US has disappeared. Second, we clarified that volatility spillovers from the US to the other markets have historically become stronger, whereas recently, volatility spillovers from the UK to the US have also disappeared. Third, our analyses of the historical constant correlations and DCCs revealed that stock market connectedness has gradually tightened between the US and Japan and between the UK and Japan, whereas recently, the connectedness between the US and UK has weakened. Fourth, our VAR-DCC analyses also revealed that volatility spillovers between the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets have been asymmetric. Fifth, we further showed that the skew-t errors incorporated into our VAR-DCC model are effective in estimating the dynamic stock return linkages between the US, the UK, and Japan. Finally, based on our findings, we derived many significant and beneficial interpretations and implications for historically and deeply considering return transmission, volatility spillovers, and DCCs between international stock markets.

    Citation: Chikashi Tsuji. The historical transition of return transmission, volatility spillovers, and dynamic conditional correlations: A fresh perspective and new evidence from the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2024, 8(2): 410-436. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2024016

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  • This paper quantitatively investigated the historical transition of return transmission, volatility spillovers, and correlations between the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets. Applying a vector autoregressive (VAR)-dynamic conditional correlation (DCC)-multivariate exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MEGARCH) model, we derived new evidence for four historical periods between 1984 and 2024. First, we found that the return transmission from the US to the other markets has historically become stronger, whereas recently, the return transmission from the UK to the US has disappeared. Second, we clarified that volatility spillovers from the US to the other markets have historically become stronger, whereas recently, volatility spillovers from the UK to the US have also disappeared. Third, our analyses of the historical constant correlations and DCCs revealed that stock market connectedness has gradually tightened between the US and Japan and between the UK and Japan, whereas recently, the connectedness between the US and UK has weakened. Fourth, our VAR-DCC analyses also revealed that volatility spillovers between the US, UK, and Japanese stock markets have been asymmetric. Fifth, we further showed that the skew-t errors incorporated into our VAR-DCC model are effective in estimating the dynamic stock return linkages between the US, the UK, and Japan. Finally, based on our findings, we derived many significant and beneficial interpretations and implications for historically and deeply considering return transmission, volatility spillovers, and DCCs between international stock markets.


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