Research article

A naive justification of hyperbolic discounting from mental algebraic operations and functional analysis

  • Received: 09 July 2023 Revised: 27 August 2023 Accepted: 08 September 2023 Published: 14 September 2023
  • JEL Codes: C02, D91, G40

  • Background 

    Intertemporal decision-making, which involves making choices between outcomes at different time points, is a fundamental aspect of human behavior. Understanding the underlying mental processes is vital for comprehending the complexities of human decision-making and choice behavior.


    The main objective of this study is to investigate the interplay of mental processes, specifically cognitive evaluation, subjective valuation, and comparison, in the context of intertemporal decision-making, with a specific focus on understanding the discounting process.


    Development of a mathematical representation of the discounting process that incorporates the mental processes associated with intertemporal decision-making.


    Our findings indicate that hyperbolic discounting aligns well with the cognitive processes underlying intertemporal decision-making. Subsequent research will employ qualitative questionnaires to establish the discount function relevant to specific groups, thereby enhancing our comprehension of the discounting process within intertemporal decision-making.

    Citation: Salvador Cruz Rambaud, Jorge Hernandez-Perez. A naive justification of hyperbolic discounting from mental algebraic operations and functional analysis[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2023, 7(3): 463-474. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2023023

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  • Background 

    Intertemporal decision-making, which involves making choices between outcomes at different time points, is a fundamental aspect of human behavior. Understanding the underlying mental processes is vital for comprehending the complexities of human decision-making and choice behavior.


    The main objective of this study is to investigate the interplay of mental processes, specifically cognitive evaluation, subjective valuation, and comparison, in the context of intertemporal decision-making, with a specific focus on understanding the discounting process.


    Development of a mathematical representation of the discounting process that incorporates the mental processes associated with intertemporal decision-making.


    Our findings indicate that hyperbolic discounting aligns well with the cognitive processes underlying intertemporal decision-making. Subsequent research will employ qualitative questionnaires to establish the discount function relevant to specific groups, thereby enhancing our comprehension of the discounting process within intertemporal decision-making.


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