Research article

Topological changes of brain network during mindfulness meditation: an exploratory source level magnetoencephalographic study

  • Anna Lardone and Marianna Liparoti contributed equally to the work
  • Received: 24 September 2021 Revised: 21 March 2022 Accepted: 21 March 2022 Published: 07 May 2022
  • We have previously evidenced that Mindfulness Meditation (MM) in experienced meditators (EMs) is associated with long-lasting topological changes in resting state condition. However, what occurs during the meditative phase is still debated.

    Utilizing magnetoencephalography (MEG), the present study is aimed at comparing the topological features of the brain network in a group of EMs (n = 26) during the meditative phase with those of individuals who had no previous experience of any type of meditation (NM group, n = 29). A wide range of topological changes in the EM group as compared to the NM group has been shown. Specifically, in EMs, we have observed increased betweenness centrality in delta, alpha, and beta bands in both cortical (left medial orbital cortex, left postcentral area, and right visual primary cortex) and subcortical (left caudate nucleus and thalamus) areas. Furthermore, the degree of beta band in parietal and occipital areas of EMs was increased too.

    Our exploratory study suggests that the MM can change the functional brain network and provides an explanatory hypothesis on the brain circuits characterizing the meditative process.

    Citation: Anna Lardone, Marianna Liparoti, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Roberta Minino, Arianna Polverino, Emahnuel Troisi Lopez, Simona Bonavita, Fabio Lucidi, Giuseppe Sorrentino, Laura Mandolesi. Topological changes of brain network during mindfulness meditation: an exploratory source level magnetoencephalographic study[J]. AIMS Neuroscience, 2022, 9(2): 250-263. doi: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2022013

    Related Papers:

  • We have previously evidenced that Mindfulness Meditation (MM) in experienced meditators (EMs) is associated with long-lasting topological changes in resting state condition. However, what occurs during the meditative phase is still debated.

    Utilizing magnetoencephalography (MEG), the present study is aimed at comparing the topological features of the brain network in a group of EMs (n = 26) during the meditative phase with those of individuals who had no previous experience of any type of meditation (NM group, n = 29). A wide range of topological changes in the EM group as compared to the NM group has been shown. Specifically, in EMs, we have observed increased betweenness centrality in delta, alpha, and beta bands in both cortical (left medial orbital cortex, left postcentral area, and right visual primary cortex) and subcortical (left caudate nucleus and thalamus) areas. Furthermore, the degree of beta band in parietal and occipital areas of EMs was increased too.

    Our exploratory study suggests that the MM can change the functional brain network and provides an explanatory hypothesis on the brain circuits characterizing the meditative process.



    Automated Anatomical Labeling


    betweenness centrality




    experienced meditators


    False Discovery Rate


    functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging


    Independent Component Analysis




    Mindfulness Meditation


    minimum spanning tree


    individuals who had no previous experience of any type of meditation


    Phase Lag Index



    This research was supported by funding from the Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II (Fondi ricerca dipartimentale 30% and 70% 2020/2021) to LM and from the University of Naples “Parthenope” to G.S. (Progetto BIGASC).
    We would like to thank the “Prana Vidya Yoga” Association.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Author contributions

    All authors designed the research. AL, ML, ETL, RM and AP performed the research. AL, ML and PS analyzed the data. AL, ML, PS, SB, FL, GS and LM wrote the paper. All authors read, revised, and approved the final manuscript.

    Availability of data

    The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.

    Ethics approval

    The study was approved by the “Comitato Etico Campania Centro” (Prot.n.93C.E./Reg. n.14-17OSS) and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

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