Research article Special Issues

The role of financial resources in SMEs' financial and environmental performance; the mediating role of green innovation

  • Received: 14 September 2021 Revised: 14 October 2021 Accepted: 30 November 2021 Published: 20 December 2021
  • JEL Codes: B26, C36, G32

  • The current study investigates the influence of financial resources on environmental and financial performance with the mediating role of green practices (innovation) in manufacturing firms of the emerging economy, Pakistan. The research model and its proposed hypothesis was using 294 manufacturing firms' samples, for fruitful insights, the hypothesis was tested through a structured equation model using Smart PLS 3. Our results exhibited a positive and significant impact of financial resources on financial performance but not on environmental performance. However, green innovation fully mediates the relationship between financial resources and financial performance, while partially mediate the relationship between financial resources and environmental performance. Considering our insight, we suggest to the government that financially support the SMEs sector because they have a lack of tangible and intangible resources due to small size, and to easily adapt the green practices.

    Citation: Rizwan Ullah Khan, Hina Arif, Noor E Sahar, Arif Ali, Munir A. Abbasi. The role of financial resources in SMEs' financial and environmental performance; the mediating role of green innovation[J]. Green Finance, 2022, 4(1): 36-53. doi: 10.3934/GF.2022002

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  • The current study investigates the influence of financial resources on environmental and financial performance with the mediating role of green practices (innovation) in manufacturing firms of the emerging economy, Pakistan. The research model and its proposed hypothesis was using 294 manufacturing firms' samples, for fruitful insights, the hypothesis was tested through a structured equation model using Smart PLS 3. Our results exhibited a positive and significant impact of financial resources on financial performance but not on environmental performance. However, green innovation fully mediates the relationship between financial resources and financial performance, while partially mediate the relationship between financial resources and environmental performance. Considering our insight, we suggest to the government that financially support the SMEs sector because they have a lack of tangible and intangible resources due to small size, and to easily adapt the green practices.


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